
“带上我爱的人一起飞,相聚巴厘岛就是缘”。我们带着自己心爱的朋友家人在美丽的巴厘岛五星级度假酒店Patra Jasa召开了公司一年一度的年会盛典。这次的年会不仅迎来了中国大陆,香港,台湾等东南亚地区的朋友们,而且还特别迎来了世界各国客户代表,优秀团队领导人,商业战略合作伙伴,政府机构代表,影视传媒届制作大腕们等尊贵嘉宾到场祝贺。来自全球十多个国家的嘉宾朋友欢聚一堂,共襄盛世!

当“互联网+”的商业转型模式还没有像今天这么家喻户晓,人人皆知时,ME的初创投资人们就在思考并琢磨着传统纸媒如何做才能不受互联网的冲击?如何做才能让原有的客户不会慢慢流失掉? 到底传统纸媒如何如互联网接轨完成转型?从2012年开始经过2多年时间的规划与反复评估,八家主要传媒机构在2014年共同投资成立了加拿大ME传媒科技股份公司,独立运营“互联网+新媒体商圈”ME全球云平台以及相关的影视广告,





第三就是搭建一个利他平台!珍惜我们慢慢积累和拥有的M.E用户们,让M.E云平台商圈里的人个个都有获益和得到实惠的机会,大大提高ME平台用户的粘附度!就像在今年乌镇全球互联网大会上,马云先生发言中所提到的3W (win,win,win)模式是未来的趋势一样——-ME新媒体商圈模式,正是立足“用户体验需求”,做到客户赢(一个W), 商家赢(2个W),公司赢(3个W)3W理念,只要相聚在ME互动平台里面的用户,都会是最大的赢家!

M.E全球副总裁DAVID FENG为本次年会致欢迎词。他提到,M.E在过去一年,以创新的模式和骄人的业绩获得了全球用户的一致好评!我们让很多的中小企业商家通过M.E平台提供的服务得到了实实在在的好处,我们为很多M.E事业伙伴提供了财富通路和收入增长的机会;我们为很多家庭提供了方便快捷货真价实的跨境购物平台。

M.E财务总监 MR .Wayne Darlow用数据向大会展示了M.E令人骄傲的市场发展情况和未来的财务规划。我们期待M.E商圈平台通过3-5年在全球脚踏实地的发展壮大,在恰当的时候走向成功的上市之路!

ME商家代表——武汉万连公司董事长杨爱萍女士和E彩名片网董事长薛战卫先生分别上台致感谢词! 过去一年,我们秉承着“平等,开放,分享,绿色,协助”的互联网精神和严谨求实的服务态度,以服务中小企业网站为主,帮助中小企业用最实惠的成本在网络宣传为己任,实实在在帮助许多企业商家达到了超出预期的网络宣传和推广效果!在过去一年,我们获得了数10万用户的青睐和口碑,上万家企业的青睐,实现了ME平台人气,营业收入,荣誉三赢多赢的局面。


中国文化艺术协会会长/中国微电影创作协会会长刘大伟先生在年会上发表致辞并给M.E一周年带来了一份特别的贺礼:中国微电影创作协会授权M.E为中国微电影发布推广平台—— 授权牌匾。

董事长/执行总裁王总做了题为《实干2016,聚焦,聚力,聚变》专题讲话。她指出:2015年ME能取得辉煌骄人的业绩,能获得全球市场和用户的信任,是ME 朴实真诚的企业价值观所产生的必然结果!2016年,我们以实干的精神,更加注重用户体验,以互联网思维来经营好平台里方方面面的用户,进一步推动ME平台走得更宽更稳更完善! 我们坚信,这将是未来新媒体行业的核心竞争力所在。


整个颁奖典礼最激动人心的一刻莫过于中原团队的总领导人范筱晖女士与欧洲团队的总领导人Mathew各获得了M.E公司提供的奔驰豪华轿车一辆(Sandra女士代Mathew先生领奖)。作为M.E优秀市场总监,范晓晖女士与Mathew先生用骄人的成绩获得了这一荣誉 。他们的成功之路充分证明了,在M.E只要你付出努力,就能收获让许多人羡慕的成功!









(具体参会资格与报名请上电影节官网:vgff.memyth.com 查询)
加拿大癌症康复集团是一家为癌症患者提供服务和咨询的加拿大公司,地点位于温哥华。因业务发展需要现招聘人员如下:The Canadian cancer rehabilitation group is a Canada Company that provides services and counseling for cancer patients,Location is located in Vancouver.Due to business development needs of the recruitment of staff are as follows:

一。网页编辑一名Web Editor

要求Skills and Qualifications

1。加拿大本地大学本科以上学历。生物,生理等生命科学相关专业优先。Bachelor degree or above, major in biology, physiology or related major is preferred.

2。英文和中文听,说,读,写流利。English, Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing fluently,

3。熟悉网页编辑,电脑应用能力强,输入速度快WPM(中文上录)在80字以上。Familiar with web page editor, Computer applications can be strong, WPM (recorded in Chinese) in more than 80 words.

4。熟悉社交媒体和其他在线营销技术。Familiar with social Media and other online marketing techniques


Please forward your resume and cover letter(Chinese and English)to hr@globalcancer.ca

加拿大癌症康复集团是一家为癌症患者提供服务和咨询的加拿大公司,地点位于温哥华。因业务发展需要现招聘人员如下:The Canadian cancer rehabilitation group is a Canada Company that provides services and counseling for cancer patients,Location is located in Vancouver.Due to business development needs of the recruitment of staff are as follows:

市场开拓一名(Marketing Coordinator)

要求Skills and Qualifications:

1。加拿大本地大学本科以上学历,有开拓市场的工作经验。Bachelor degree or above, have the experience of developing the market.

2。英文和中文听,说,读,写流利,善于沟通。English, Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing fluently, good at communication.

3。积极能干,工作努力,能在一个紧张的创业团队工作。Must be a go-getter, hard-worker and able to work within a stressful start-up team


Please forward your resume and cover letter(Chinese and English)to hr@globalcancer.ca
M.E MEDIATECH CORP. based in Richmond BC is seeking an shipper/ receiver, who is also experience in photo editing tools and daily product update. This person is to handle all receiving and shipping operations, both internationally and domestic.

As a product administrator, the candidate should be responsible formanaging all domestic and international shipments. Persons in this role must be able to consistently demonstrate knowledge of all shipping processes. All training will be provided.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities:

· Mobile ability - Valid driver licence is a must.– pick up new arrival parcels /handle oversea and domestic shipments to distribution center ;

· Monitor and record in stock – out of stock products in warehouse;

· Organizing and maintaining electronic and paper files and managing projects.

· Deal with new orders or queries from customers.

· Coordinate the maintenance and repair of office equipment.

· Collect and distribute couriers or parcels among employees and opening and sorting emails.

· Place orders from vendors and follow up shipping status of both sent-out or upcoming parcels


· Be able to lift maximum 20 lb goods;

· Fast paced - Well organized along with the ability to multi-task and work under pressure;

· Willing to learn/ Team player / Good communication;

· College graduate with basic office skills;

· Experience with Photoshop/Photo Editor tools

· Daily update product to the website

· Daily news feed

· Proficient speaking and writing skill in both English and Chinese;

· Intermediate MS Office skills (Word, Excel) are required;

· Excellent interpersonal skills with staff and suppliers;

· Cooperating with office staff to maintain proper interaction and a friendly environment within the office.

Competitive salary and other benefits are available after probation period. (Healthcare benefits and vacation are available for all full-time employees)Do you think you'd be a great fit for our team? Send us your resume along with C.V., and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Please send your resume and cover letter to this email career.hr@memyth.com
is an online advertising and publishing company. M.E as a professional in multimedia interactive advertising, we mainly provide with online advertising services, short-film, network television, advertising video production and publishing, as well as Corporate Image planning.
  • Job Type: Full-Time, Permanent
  • Language: English and Chinese
  • Minimum Education: College Degree or Equivalent
  • Job Location: Downtown Vancouver
We’re looking for a full-time web production designer to join our team. This person must be highly creative and able to offer aesthetic designs for a range of digital projects. The new web designer needs to be detail-oriented in their approach, yet needs to be able to work quickly to meet deadlines.


  • Must be self-motivated and be able to multi-task multiple projects simultaneously;
  • Must be able to design for responsive mobile and responsive desktop designs;
  • Consult with management to establish the overall look, graphic elements and content of communications materials in order to meet the company's needs;
  • Work with clients on different designs and projects;
  • Assisting Creative team in creating unique and compelling visuals to engage current and future customers;
  • Possess expertise in design best practices for the web;
  • Have 1+ years of Web development/design experiences;
  • Experience with FLASH, HTML, CSS and JavaScript/jQuery coding languages;
  • Have excellent custom CMS platform skills (WordPress theming, customization and functionality);
  • Experience with responsive design principles for web sites and HTML emails;
  • Use HTML5 APIs in mobile and desktop browser environments;
  • Possesses expert knowledge of computers and the Internet—including both PC and Macintosh platforms;
  • Experience in working with current social media trends.
BENEFITS: extended Healthcare will be available after 3 months of probation period.

If you feel that you meet our company client requirements, please reply your resume and portfolio to customer.service@memyth.com (来信时请注明是在家园网上看到的)

温实初.jpg 张晓龙.jpg
想要在温哥华有跟明星近距离接触的机会?机会就在加拿大金枫叶国际电影节!9月22号电影节开幕式以及慈善晚宴,将有中国,加拿大,美国好莱坞众多的明星和政要出席。详情请访问电影节官方网站:https://cgm.memyth.com/en 购买电影节开/闭幕式以及论坛门票请访问:https://cgm.memyth.com/en/list-tickets




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