各种版本满天飞,但是BC省议会官网上的提案原文写的是Any Homeowner,不管你是哪国人。
(8) The following individuals are
exempt from the Housing Affordability Levy:
Any homeowner who is liable for income tax in excess of the amount of the Housing Affordability Levy is exempt from the Levy.
Any homeowner who is liable for income tax less than the amount of the Housing Affordability Levy must pay the difference between that person’s income tax liability and the Housing Affordability Levy to the Receiver General for British Columbia.
Any homeowner who has lived in his or her property continuously as primary residence for more than 5 years predating the year of the Housing Affordability Levy levied is exempt from the Levy.
(e) Any permanent resident or Canadian citizen who is 55 years of age or older who lives more than six months per year in the province ...