DR Pensions Consulting 谘询顾问 Doug Runchey 化名 Dogger1953 这么回答:再问森林兄一个问题,65岁住满10年就可以领OAS了,这个10年应该怎么算呢?是累加吗?还是有别的算法,比如某人2013年在加住了5个月,2014年住了3个月,2015年住了4个月,加起来一共12个月,就算做1年吗?还是有另外的算法?
OAS - how to count eligibility years
Each separate period of residence would be counted as to the number of years, months and days and then added together. For instance, if one period of residence was 6 years, 5 months and 20 days and another period was 3 years, 6 months and 11 days, that would count as 10 full years and would qualify for 10/40ths of the full basic OAS.
最后编辑: 2018-03-19