斯坦福 IT


因为找工作找得快要疯掉了,我不记得有投过加州的工作,结果前天有个加州的700人规模的化妆品品公司约好今天面试,然后今天早上对方的人事部主管在google hangouts用打字CHAT的方式面试了3个小时左右,应聘平面设计,末了,对方发过来信息如下:
Anyway, you will be undergoing training before you start working fully if you are hired at the end of this briefing. This is going to be strictly an online and work from home job the working hours are flexible and you can chose to work from anytime of your choice,the pay is $30 per hour and training is $10 per hour and will be getting payment every weekly via check or direct deposit.

standby for some minutes while we conclude on your Application
Congratulations! Due to your level of experience and your working skills, the company has decided to hire you as one of our staff. You are now a staff of Rodan & Fields, LLC and we hope to see the best in you.

You will receive your duties everyday via email and i will be online to assist you with any difficulties and you will be undergoing 3 to 5 days training immediately after setting up your mini office. Also, We are starting you with $30 per hour,You will receive your pay bi weekly Friday of the week via wire transfer,Direct deposit or check,Depending on which you prefer.

Benefits Include: Dental benefits.
You will be enrolled for other benefits after a period of 3 months of working with us.

We are going to be communicating through Hangout till after 7 days of working with us, a user and password will be given to you including an up link to the company server and a list of contact phone numbers to various departments will be sent to you including all necessary forms to fill out.

Are you okay with this ?




Business model
Rodan + Fields distributes via multi-level marketing,which has been criticized by consumer advocates as akin to a pyramid scheme. Consultants focus on social media, phone and in-person presentations to sell products and invite others to join their team. The average 2015 annual income for a consultant was $3,182.

Per the 2016 Income-Disclosure agreement, 90% of Rodan + Fields members earned less than $200 per month and 96% earned less than $500 per month.

In 2016, 125,348 (representing 44% of all recruits) recorded zero earnings and are thus no longer considered active。 Only 2% of active sellers make the annual minimum wage or higher.


Business model
Rodan + Fields distributes via multi-level marketing,which has been criticized by consumer advocates as akin to a pyramid scheme. Consultants focus on social media, phone and in-person presentations to sell products and invite others to join their team. The average 2015 annual income for a consultant was $3,182.

Per the 2016 Income-Disclosure agreement, 90% of Rodan + Fields members earned less than $200 per month and 96% earned less than $500 per month.

In 2016, 125,348 (representing 44% of all recruits) recorded zero earnings and are thus no longer considered active。 Only 2% of active sellers make the annual minimum wage or higher.
Thanks !!




这么大的公司连这种小钱都想骗,太low了,既然真想人干活,应该免费给员工培训吧。不过是不是the pay is $30 per hour and training is $10 per hour and will be getting payment every weekly via check or direct deposit. 这个培训时间给10刀还是收10刀呢?迷惑了。晕~~~
是要你缴纳培训费吗??? 那么,你的直觉是对的。公司雇佣员工,如果需要培训,绝对是在职或岗前培训。培训必须且只能是免费的。并且,员工在培训期间是有工资的没听说过还要员工自己缴纳培训费的。



任何向“员工“要钱的公司,都是骗子公司。我大学毕业的时候,入职的公司,知道穷学生没钱,免费飞机票,公司食堂先打卡4000块。 “傻”孩子们都感激涕零啊。 人家那么早就开全国之先,尽揽英才。抛开各种批评不说,现在能够独步全球,非一日之功。
是要你缴纳培训费吗??? 那么,你的直觉是对的。公司雇佣员工,如果需要培训,绝对是在职或岗前培训。培训必须且只能是免费的。并且,员工在培训期间是有工资的没听说过还要员工自己缴纳培训费的。
不过是不是the pay is $30 per hour and training is $10 per hour and will be getting payment every weekly via check or direct deposit. 这个培训时间给10刀还是收10刀呢?迷惑了。晕~~~ 难道是一开始我仓促看英语理解错了??


不过是不是the pay is $30 per hour and training is $10 per hour and will be getting payment every weekly via check or direct deposit. 这个培训时间给10刀还是收10刀呢?迷惑了。晕~~~ 难道是一开始我仓促看英语理解错了??
我刚才马上登录google hangouts,收到对方的信息如下:
Also, we have two options for the payment, which are direct deposit and check. However, we will like to know the financial institution you have an account with it. This will help to ascertain if you will get a direct deposit or check.

Before you start working,you will receive a payment ,you will be using this payment to set up your mini office by purchasing some office equipment and accounting software, immediately you get this payment you start work fully.

NOTE: All materials are to be purchased from the company accredited vendor,I will provide you with the vendor information when you receive the Funds

最后编辑: 2019-09-30
我刚才马上登录google hangouts,收到对方的信息如下:
Also, we have two options for the payment, which are direct deposit and check. However, we will like to know the financial institution you have an account with it. This will help to ascertain if you will get a direct deposit or check.

Before you start working,you will receive a payment ,you will be using this payment to set up your mini office by purchasing some office equipment and accounting software, immediately you get this payment you start work fully.

NOTE: All materials are to be purchased from the company accredited vendor,I will provide you with the vendor information when you receive the Funds

说实话,真的不知道。因为我有朋友是这么上班的,硅谷的start up,他在蒙村自家房子弄了一个mini office。而且这是我很羡慕的上班方式,有朝一日我也要这样。。。




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