
余则成 Liftmaster

最新排名,Victoria 的医院在全加前二十名中占了两个,RJH排第七


据我至少五次在BC与大医院打交道(两次左、右手指骨折;两次在BC生小孩;一次在AB Edmonton 生小孩的经历),医疗服务的好坏,很大程度上是看你运气好坏,是否遇到一位好医生(加拿大的医生技术,这一点尤为重要。);另外,还需要你的英语沟通能力,同一个病例,不同的患者用不同的英语沟通技巧与医生和护士表达与沟通,完全有可能得到完全不同的治疗结果。


BC General Hospital 我也住过院,2016年我左手中指骨折,治疗的非常差,不是实习的小年轻骨科医生,就是岁数大的白人磨洋工医生,恨死我了!

但是,BC Woman 小孩出生还算是BC省最好的吧!我家老大在这里出生,感觉老二在其他医院出生的,相比之下,不如BC Woman服务的好!
最后编辑: 2019-11-19



据我至少五次在BC与大医院打交道(两次左、右手指骨折;两次在BC生小孩;一次在AB Edmonton 生小孩的经历),医疗服务的好坏,很大程度上是看你运气好坏,是否遇到一位好医生(加拿大的医生技术,这一点尤为重要。);另外,还需要你的英语沟通能力,同一个病例,不同的患者用不同的英语沟通技巧与医生和护士表达与沟通,完全有可能得到完全不同的治疗结果。


BC General Hospital 我也住过院,2016年我左手中指骨折,治疗的非常差,不是实习的小年轻骨科医生,就是岁数大的白人磨洋工医生,恨死我了!
但是,BC Woman 小孩出生还算是BC省最好的吧!我家老大在这里出生,感觉老二在其他医院出生的,不如BC Woman服务的好!

据我至少五次在BC与大医院打交道(两次左、右手指骨折;两次在BC生小孩;一次在AB Edmonton 生小孩的经历),医疗服务的好坏,很大程度上是看你运气好坏,是否遇到一位好医生(加拿大的医生技术,这一点尤为重要。);另外,还需要你的英语沟通能力,同一个病例,不同的患者用不同的英语沟通技巧与医生和护士表达与沟通,完全有可能得到完全不同的治疗结果。


BC General Hospital 我也住过院,2016年我左手中指骨折,治疗的非常差,不是实习的小年轻骨科医生,就是岁数大的白人磨洋工医生,恨死我了!

但是,BC Woman 小孩出生还算是BC省最好的吧!我家老大在这里出生,感觉老二在其他医院出生的,相比之下,不如BC Woman服务的好!
一个同事的亲戚生孩子,出生儿心脏需要做手术,是air ambulance从卡尔加里送到U of A 医院,说卡尔加里做不了,U of A收了,手术很成功,这个医院排名我认为不准确。

NEW YORK – In its April 5 2019 edition, Newsweek magazine ranked the best hospitals in 11 industrialized countries around the world. For Canada, it ranked 85 hospitals, giving each a score. At the top is the University Health Network, followed by North York General Hospital in Toronto, and Rockyview General Hospital (pictured) in Calgary.

Newsweek and its survey partners used three data sources to make their rankings: recommendations from medical experts (doctors, hospital managers, healthcare professionals); results from patient surveys; and medical key performance indicators (KPIs).
They excluded hospital chains and those with fewer than 100 beds.
The 11 countries surveyed are: the USA, Canada, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Switzerland, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Australia and Israel. The countries were mainly selected based on standard of living/life expectancy, population size, number of hospitals and data availability.
The number of hospitals ranked in each country varies based on the number of hospitals and data availability in the respective country. USA had the most hospitals awarded with 250, while Israel and Singapore were represented with 10 hospitals each.
Below are the top 25 Newsweek Top Hospitals, listing hospital name; score; city; number of beds. For the full list of top 85 hospitals, and the methodology, see https://www.newsweek.com/best-hospitals-2019/canada:
  1. Toronto General Hospital; 91.1; Toronto, ON; 433
  2. North York General Hospital; 91.0; Toronto, ON; 410
  3. Rockyview General Hospital; 90.3; Calgary, AB; 650
  4. Jewish General Hospital; 89.3; Montreal, QC; 637
  5. Sunnybrook Health Sciences; 88.3; Toronto, ON; 627
  6. Montreal General Hospital; 87.9; Montreal, QC; 479
  7. Royal Jubilee Hospital (RJH); 87.8; Victoria, BC; 500
  8. Royal Victoria Hospital; 87.8; Montreal, QC; 517
  9. Vancouver General Hospital; 87.8; Vancouver, BC; 737
  10. Foothills Medical Centre; 87.5; Calgary, AB; 1,062
  11. Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM); 87.2; Montreal, QC; 927
  12. Victoria General Hospital; 87.1; Victoria, BC; 344
  13. Toronto Western Hospital; 86.5; Toronto, ON; 281
  14. Peter Lougheed Centre; 86.5; Calgary, AB; 600
  15. Mount Sinai Hospital; 86.5; Toronto, ON; 442
  16. St. Paul’s Hospital; 86.0; Saskatoon, SK; 700
  17. Grace Hospital; 86.0; Winnipeg, MB; 247
  18. Lachine Hospital (McGill University Health Centre); 85.9; Lachine, QC; 134
  19. Humber River Hospital; 85.7; Toronto, ON; 656
  20. Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre; 85.7; Halifax, NS; 941
  21. Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus (Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire de Quebec); 85.2; Quebec City, QC; 125
  22. St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto); 85.1; Toronto, ON; 455
  23. Kelowna General Hospital; 85.1; Kelowna, BC; 711
  24. UBC Hospital (UBC); 85.0; Vancouver, BC; 332
  25. Queensway Carleton Hospital; 84.8; Ottawa, ON; 264

余则成 Liftmaster


NEW YORK – In its April 5 2019 edition, Newsweek magazine ranked the best hospitals in 11 industrialized countries around the world. For Canada, it ranked 85 hospitals, giving each a score. At the top is the University Health Network, followed by North York General Hospital in Toronto, and Rockyview General Hospital (pictured) in Calgary.

Newsweek and its survey partners used three data sources to make their rankings: recommendations from medical experts (doctors, hospital managers, healthcare professionals); results from patient surveys; and medical key performance indicators (KPIs).
They excluded hospital chains and those with fewer than 100 beds.
The 11 countries surveyed are: the USA, Canada, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Switzerland, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Australia and Israel. The countries were mainly selected based on standard of living/life expectancy, population size, number of hospitals and data availability.
The number of hospitals ranked in each country varies based on the number of hospitals and data availability in the respective country. USA had the most hospitals awarded with 250, while Israel and Singapore were represented with 10 hospitals each.
Below are the top 25 Newsweek Top Hospitals, listing hospital name; score; city; number of beds. For the full list of top 85 hospitals, and the methodology, see https://www.newsweek.com/best-hospitals-2019/canada:
  1. Toronto General Hospital; 91.1; Toronto, ON; 433
  2. North York General Hospital; 91.0; Toronto, ON; 410
  3. Rockyview General Hospital; 90.3; Calgary, AB; 650
  4. Jewish General Hospital; 89.3; Montreal, QC; 637
  5. Sunnybrook Health Sciences; 88.3; Toronto, ON; 627
  6. Montreal General Hospital; 87.9; Montreal, QC; 479
  7. Royal Jubilee Hospital (RJH); 87.8; Victoria, BC; 500
  8. Royal Victoria Hospital; 87.8; Montreal, QC; 517
  9. Vancouver General Hospital; 87.8; Vancouver, BC; 737
  10. Foothills Medical Centre; 87.5; Calgary, AB; 1,062
  11. Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM); 87.2; Montreal, QC; 927
  12. Victoria General Hospital; 87.1; Victoria, BC; 344
  13. Toronto Western Hospital; 86.5; Toronto, ON; 281
  14. Peter Lougheed Centre; 86.5; Calgary, AB; 600
  15. Mount Sinai Hospital; 86.5; Toronto, ON; 442
  16. St. Paul’s Hospital; 86.0; Saskatoon, SK; 700
  17. Grace Hospital; 86.0; Winnipeg, MB; 247
  18. Lachine Hospital (McGill University Health Centre); 85.9; Lachine, QC; 134
  19. Humber River Hospital; 85.7; Toronto, ON; 656
  20. Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre; 85.7; Halifax, NS; 941
  21. Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus (Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire de Quebec); 85.2; Quebec City, QC; 125
  22. St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto); 85.1; Toronto, ON; 455
  23. Kelowna General Hospital; 85.1; Kelowna, BC; 711
  24. UBC Hospital (UBC); 85.0; Vancouver, BC; 332
  25. Queensway Carleton Hospital; 84.8; Ottawa, ON; 264
BC Woman 是一个公认的比较好的医院。其他的不太了解了!
卡加利确实适合工薪阶层,生活压力小的多。象我女儿,大学毕业没多久,我赞助了一半Down payment, 自己一个人就供得起Single House了


她毕业时我们全家还在卡加利,她在石油公司找到了第一份工作。后来我们搬回大温,想让她也搬回,她在温哥华Downtown 拿到一个Offer, 只试了两个月又跑回卡加利了,换了家更大的石油公司,说在温哥华上班工作压力太大,工资又低,大部份玩的朋友又都在卡加利。说已经不再喜欢温哥华了。好在还有儿子陪着我们

余则成 Liftmaster


但是,没有一个孩子在温哥华留下来的!不是AB 两大城市找工作,就是魁北克买房子找了工作。

最后编辑: 2019-11-19
她毕业时我们全家还在卡加利,她在石油公司找到了第一份工作。后来我们搬回大温,想让她也搬回,她在温哥华Downtown 拿到一个Offer, 只试了两个月又跑回卡加利了,换了家更大的石油公司,说在温哥华上班工作压力太大,工资又低,大部份玩的朋友又都在卡加利。说已经不再喜欢温哥华了。好在还有儿子陪着我们




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