转正能量消息: 全世界第一支新冠肺炎疫苗,今天(2020年3月16日)在美国打出了第一针......


在西雅图“凯撒医疗集团华盛顿健康研究中心”(Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute)43岁的Jennifer Haller成为了第一个接种疫苗的人。


此次疫苗是NIH和Moderna公司联合开发的,Moderna公司曾在2018年创下美国最大生物医疗公司 IPO 纪录,是全球mRNA巨头之一。

3月5日, Moderna宣布,美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)已完成对该公司研制的新型冠状病毒mRNA疫苗——“mRNA-1273”的审查,批准其进入临床试验。




附BBC NEWS报道如下:

Coronavirus: US volunteers test first vaccine
By Michelle RobertsHealth editor, BBC News online

The first human trial of a vaccine to protect against pandemic coronavirus has started in the US.

Four patients received the jab at the Kaiser Permanente research facility in Seattle, Washington, reports the Associated Press news agency.

The vaccine cannot cause Covid-19 but contains a harmless genetic code copied from the virus that causes the disease.

Experts say it will still take many months to know if this vaccine, or others also in research, will work.

The first person to get the jab on Monday was a 43-year-old mother-of-two from Seattle.

"This is an amazing opportunity for me to do something," Jennifer Haller told AP.

Scientists around the world are fast-tracking research.

And this first human trial, funded by the National Institutes of Health, sidesteps a check that would normally be conducted - making sure the vaccine can trigger an immune response in animals.

But the biotechnology company behind the work, Moderna Therapeutics, says the vaccine has been made using a tried and tested process.

Dr John Tregoning, an expert in infectious diseases at Imperial College London, UK, said: "This vaccine uses pre-existing technology.

"It's been made to a very high standard, using things that we know are safe to use in people and those taking part in the trial will be very closely monitored.

"Yes, this is very fast - but it is a race against the virus, not against each other as scientists, and it's being done for the benefit of humanity."

Why US testing failed - and can it catch up now?

Typical vaccines for viruses, such as measles, are made from a weakened or killed virus.

But the mRNA-1273 vaccine is not made from the virus that causes Covid-19.

Instead, it includes a short segment of genetic code copied from the virus that scientists have been able to make in a laboratory.

This will hopefully prime the body's own immune system to fight off the real infection.

The volunteers were being given different doses of the experimental vaccine.

They will each be given two jabs in total, 28 days apart, into the upper arm muscle.

But even if these initial safety tests go well, it could still take up to 18 months for any potential vaccine to become available for the public.
进入农历午月天火一来,疫情就结束了。那个时候疫苗已经没有用了,就像抗埃博拉的疫苗一样,没有埃博拉了,谁还种疫苗? 现在的疫苗和过去的麻疹、天花、肺结核疫苗不同,上述那些病毒已经与人类成为共体,(折磨人类近百年,人类付出了惨痛代价)不打疫苗,人类就有生命危险,因为那个时代的科学还没发展到今天这种程度,所以,那时的疫苗与人类身体中的病原体是同步的,现在人类科学高度发展,疫苗出现也就是很短时期就能做到,于是人体没有了对新病毒的适用期,不会达到共体,所以,开发一个疫苗只对这一个病毒有用,下一个病毒出现,人类照样无解。我昨天发一贴,因为我的贴都是冷贴,不会有人关注,我那个贴是说明这个病毒一直存在,2003年叫萨斯,2012年叫中东呼吸症,今年叫2019冠状病毒。用治疗前面两种病毒的药或者说是疫苗来治疗去冬今春流行的这个病毒没用,所以,人们寄希望于新的疫苗,问题是这个新的疫苗就是管用,也只是管这个病毒,下一次新的病毒出现,又要研究新的疫苗来对付,就这样恶性循环,至到病毒对疫苗产生抗体为止。
再说疫苗也不敢保证100%有效,以我自己为例,我这几年一直打流感疫苗,往年不会感冒,唯独今年感冒,我一点都不担心,因为我知道我今年坐绝地,要到农历午月才能有好转,我连抗感冒药都不吃,每天一碗姜汤,姜属火,可生热驱寒。 但还是没用,昨天开始吃抗感冒药,静静等待着农历午月的到来。




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