If I am successful in immigrating to New Brunswick through the Nominee Program, how long do I have to stay in the province?
The New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program is intended only for people genuinely interested in living and working in New Brunswick.
Any immigrant who has been nominated under our Nominee Program is fully expected to reside, work and conduct business in New Brunswick and become a permanent resident of this province. We will consider any failure to comply with this Nominee Program requirement a breach of contract and a serious misrepresentation of facts in the application process. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) could revoke the permanent resident visa based on the misrepresentation of facts.
我是没有找到关于住半年的要求. 但是根据官方说法,总结起来就是省提名只是给那些真正想在NB生活,工作的申请人. 如果达不到要求的话,加拿大移民局
有可能撤销你的移民签证. 也就是说,就算你移民下来了,他们有权取消你的移民.