谢谢, 今年受疫情影响,没法举办庆祝活动了。 除了这首古诗之外,我还写了一首英文诗是翻译杜甫的晚晴时写的,也叫晚晴,同时也发给了这个诗词协会,也贴在这里吧。
Evening Clearness
David Du
The setting sun reflects the shadow and
it moves slowly, slowly,
on the sky no clouds are drifting.
At the lake the white sailing boats
are lazily touring.
Near by the Bayshore still some doves are flying.
The roadside bathing diner tables shine silently,
By the Trail a few sounds are left as if to tell me
I am a special guest and still enjoy the mid-autumn in
The dew in the maple tree, its light shine slightly, slightly
I'm watching...