德州总检察长:我们拒使用Dominion 这些系统不可靠
Dominion投票系统软件问题引发关注。该系统已经在密歇根州的安特里姆县(Antrim County)把大量投给川普的票给了拜登。图为2020年11月4日,美国密歇根州底特律,工作人员在TCF会议中心进行总统大选的计票程序。
随着Dominion投票系统软件在2020年总统大选中受到越来越多的审查,德克萨斯州总检察长肯?帕克斯顿(Ken Paxton)告诉Newsmax TV,德州测试了该软件并拒绝使用。
“Dominion在全国删除了270万川普的选票。数据分析发现,宾州22.1万张(选票)从川普总统转给了拜登,94.1万川普选票被删除了;用Dominion投票系统的各州将43.5万张选票从川普转给了拜登。”川普在推文中引用“一个美国新闻网络”(One America News Network,OANN)的报导写道。
在密歇根州安特里姆县(Antrim County)原先的计票结果令人生疑,经调查后,发现是Dominion软件故障,把原本投给川普的6000张选票给了拜登,导致最初报告显示拜登领先。在进行更新后,川普在该县翻盘,领先拜登。
密歇根州共和党主席劳拉?考克斯(Laura Cox)说,这个出问题的软件把投给共和党的选票算给了民主党,现在已经发现有47个县使用了这个软件。
福克斯新闻制片人、资深专栏作家凯尔?贝克(Kyle Becker)于11月6日在推特上发文表示,在密西根州,将6000张川普选票转给拜登的选举软件系统,叫做Dominion。它在30个州被使用,包括内华达州、亚利桑那州、明尼苏达州、密西根州、威斯康星州、乔治亚州、宾夕法尼亚州等。
Dominion Voting Systems is Canada’s largest election system provider, with deployments nationwide.
Dominion Voting Systems - Wikipedia
Dominion Voting Systems is Canada’s largest election system provider, with deployments nationwide. Currently, Dominion provides optical scan paper ballot tabulation systems for provincial elections, including Ontario and New Brunswick. Dominion also provides ballot tabulation and voting systems for Canada's major party leadership elections, including the Liberal Party of Canada, the Conservative Party of Canada, and the PC Party of Ontario.[15][16][17]
Ontario was the first Canadian province to use Dominion's tabulator machines in the 2006 elections.[18] New Brunswick used Dominion's 763 tabulator machines in the 2014 provincial elections.[19] There were some problems with the reporting of tabulator counts after the election, and at 10:45 p.m Elections New Brunswick officially suspended the results reporting count with 17 ridings still undeclared.[20] The Progressive Conservatives and the People's Alliance of New Brunswick called for a hand count of all ballots. Recounts were held in 7 of 49 ridings and the results were upheld with variations of no more than 1 vote per candidate per riding.[21] This delay in results reporting was caused by an off-the-shelf software application unrelated to Dominion.[22]
In June 2018, Elections Ontario used Dominion's tabulator machines for the provincial election and deployed them at 50 percent of polling stations.[23][24]