

nf ⊙o⊙
一般是交易量太少,发行商不赚钱甚至亏本,就会关闭, 有些ETF每天就几百的交易量,实在是太少了.

2X , 3X 是因为有衰减,所以只适合短炒 , 举个例子,1X 如果头天涨1%,第二天跌1%,这样涨跌交替,持续一段时间,1X 价格没多大变化, 但 2X , 3X 会逐渐衰减,最后亏一大截。极端例子,1X今天跌50%,明天涨100% ,价格无变化,但 2X , 3X 今天就会跌到接近0 , 明天别说涨几倍,就是涨几十倍都没救了,

谢谢,学习了。 看来还得买大的知名一些的。


nf ⊙o⊙



查看了黄金的历史价格,相比 2000 年还是高很多很多。因此这东西不懂还真不敢随便碰啊。你们说的对。
最后编辑: 2015-04-20
我就是从这个贴里学习后,外加马丁的建议,买入四支美股:spy 205.6美元买入,V 64.6美元买入,mdy 275美元前天买入, MA 86.69美元前天买入。我是闲钱投资,不打算卖,打算继续定投下去的。

mdy 和spy 这种指数etf不是每天一个价,是时时刻刻在变动价格的,买入后,就可以立刻卖出。完全和单个个股一样。
D版,顾名思义就是直接在Discount broker购买,也就是在你的投资账户开户行在线购买,当然就不通过Advisor,费用也就大幅下降。比如,RBF591(A系列)和RBF1018(D系列)其实是同一个基金,但RBF1018手续费要便宜不少,如果我自己在线操作,当然选RBF018了。

最后编辑: 2015-04-22


nf ⊙o⊙
我就是从这个贴里学习后,外加马丁的建议,买入四支美股:spy 205.6美元买入,V 64.6美元买入,mdy 275美元前天买入, MA 86.69美元前天买入。我是闲钱投资,不打算卖,打算继续定投下去的。

mdy 和spy 这种指数etf不是每天一个价,是时时刻刻在变动价格的,买入后,就可以立刻卖出。完全和单个个股一样。

看了下 spy 多年来涨幅都稳定。但如果从历史的高点附近全仓买入(如2000年 2007年),则到如今也基本赚不到钱。如果从 1995 年买入的则 20年涨幅了 3 倍。不知道算不算高。
但如果 2009 年较低位买入则 5 年涨幅 2 倍就很高。 可见,缓慢上涨并伴随深度调整的股票或者指数,如果大量买入时机不佳,也不行。




看了下 spy 多年来涨幅都稳定。但如果从历史的高点附近全仓买入(如2000年 2007年),则到如今也基本赚不到钱。如果从 1995 年买入的则 20年涨幅了 3 倍。不知道算不算高。
但如果 2009 年较低位买入则 5 年涨幅 2 倍就很高。 可见,缓慢上涨并伴随深度调整的股票或者指数,如果大量买入时机不佳,也不行。



D版,顾名思义就是直接在Discount broker购买,也就是在你的投资账户开户行在线购买,当然就不通过Advisor,费用也就大幅下降。比如,RBF591(A系列)和RBF1018(D系列)其实是同一个基金,但RBF1018手续费要便宜不少,如果我自己在线操作,当然选RBF018了。


看了下 spy 多年来涨幅都稳定。但如果从历史的高点附近全仓买入(如2000年 2007年),则到如今也基本赚不到钱。如果从 1995 年买入的则 20年涨幅了 3 倍。不知道算不算高。
但如果 2009 年较低位买入则 5 年涨幅 2 倍就很高。 可见,缓慢上涨并伴随深度调整的股票或者指数,如果大量买入时机不佳,也不行。




Opinion: Forget about Wall Street: Shanghai is now the market to watch
By Matthew Lynn
Published: Apr 22, 2015 3:30 a.m. ET

Chinese investors, brokers and banks will dominate global finance

Get up. Take shower. Brush teeth. Feed the cat or the dog. Check what the Shanghai market has been doing overnight.

For anyone in Europe who takes the markets seriously , that is now the regular morning routine. It is very much as it has always been, except with one big difference. Whereas once the standard reflex would have been to look at what had happened on Wall Street overnight, with perhaps a sideways glance at Tokyo, now it is Shanghai that investors look to.

What happens in China is now what dominates what happens in the rest of the world.

In the last few months, the Chinese equity indices have been roaring ahead. That is going to be the trigger for a big change. For at least 100 years, Wall Street has been the dominant global financial market, and it was from the Dow DJIA, +0.49% and the S&P 500 SPX, +0.51% that all the other bourses around the world took their lead.

From now onwards, that is likely to be Shanghai. Wall Street is about to be relegated into second place — and that is going to have big consequences for the way the markets in money work. Such as? Wall Street will become a regional bourse, more like London’s FTSE. The Chinese banks and brokers will dominate the markets.

And we will have to get used to a market dominated far more by private investors, and the state, and less by the professionals and the hedge funds.

No one can have failed to notice that the Chinese equity markets have been racing ahead this year. We have grown used over the last decade to the Chinese industrial machine swamping the world with manufactured goods, and we have become increasingly aware of the rise of a new breed of Chinese companies buying up assets around the world.

For years, however, its financial markets remained in the doldrums. Now it is acquiring the financial might to match its industrial muscle. The Shanghai Composite SHCOMP, +2.44% has blown every other market out of the water in the past year, more than doubling in value. Since February alone, it has risen from 3,000 to 4,300, and keeps on going upwards. Like any market, once it gets on a roll, nothing seems to stop it. Chinese exports can fall, and its property market can wobble, but the Shanghai Composite simply shrugs bad news aside and keeps on climbing.

Of course, it might all be a bubble. The Chinese have always liked to gamble, and they are taking to stocks the same way they took to roulette — with spendthrift, reckless abandon.

Even veterans of the dot-com bubble of 15 years ago are likely to feel queasy at some of the valuations put on Chinese companies. Technology stocks are trading on price-to-earnings ratios of more than 220, compared with 156 for the Nasdaq index COMP, +0.42% at the peak of the Internet boom.

Just as with any boom, there are flimsy companies being chased up to ridiculous valuations. That said, just because price have risen does not necessarily mean the market has gone mad. China has grown hugely richer just in the last five years alone, and its stock market has not kept pace with that — so it might simply be playing catchup.

What it certainly means is that the Shanghai index is about to become one of the biggest in the world.

In November last year, it overtook Tokyo to become the second largest stock index measured by total capitalization. It is still only around a third of the size of the of the U.S. market. But when you take the number of initial public offerings — and keep in mind that a Deloitte report showed Chinese listings overtaking U.S. ones in both size and value in the first quarter of this year — and the run up in share prices, and it is not hard to speculate that the Chinese index will be the world’s largest by the end of this decade, and possibly before.

That is already making a big difference in the rest of the world.

For three or four generations, the most important thing every investor needed to know was what was happening on Wall Street. It was home to the world’s biggest companies, operating in the world’s biggest economy. If the Dow were up, then the FTSE UKX, -0.49% , the CAC-40 PX1, +0.36% and the DAX DAX, -0.60% would all rise the next day. If it were down, they would all fall. New York set the pace and the pulse of the markets elsewhere.

Now that is inevitably going to change. So much money is going to be cascading out of a booming Shanghai index, and it will be so influential, that it seems inevitable that it will soon match Wall Street and then eclipse it. Indeed, it may have already done so — it is already to its performance that most European investors look.

But it will make a difference in other ways as well. As Shanghai becomes the world’s biggest stock market, it is Chinese bankers and brokers that will dominate it. Already more than half of the top 20 brokers and investment banks by market value are from China. The likes of Citic Securities and Shenwan Hongyuan will soon be as familiar as Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley.

And the mood will be different. Whereas the Wall Street markets were largely dominated by professional money managers, at least for the last 50 years, the Chinese market is very different. It is dominated by small, private investors — more than 10 million personal accounts have been opened in China since December alone. And it is heavily directed by the state, in a way the U.S. market never has been.

If you think Wall Street was volatile, wait until you see what a market dominated by Shanghai is like.

Still, whether it is better or worse makes no difference. In the next few years, Wall Street will have been relegated to second place in the view of the rest of the world — and it is Shanghai that will have taken its place. Every investor will have to get used to that.

 导读:MarketWatch专栏作家莱恩(MATTHEW LYNN)认为,在这个十年结束时,甚至更早,上海就将取代华尔街,成为全球最大股市,而全球金融市场也将由此受到一系列深远影响。




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