
在Brad Trost 网页里,
只是个人看法, Brad trost 是在萨省, 萨省跟阿尔伯塔省都是石油省份,所以跟以前的哈伯一样, 发展政策 经济等等主要考虑这两个省份石油, 而忽略其他的省份的发展。

从他的网页上, 可以看到其他一些信息:
有一项: Building a Big Tent Conservative Party
我只copy一部分, 主要看黑体字部分:

Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown is trying to pass himself off as Ontario's "Stephen Harper". Patrick is suggesting that he is just doing what Stephen Harper did with social conservatives. But Patrick and those like him just doesn't get it.

I was a member of Stephen Harper's caucus from 2004 till he stepped down as leader in 2015. It wasn't perfect, but inside Stephen Harper's Big Tent, were many MPs who were social conservatives.

Since Sam Oosterhoff was elected as an Ontario MPP, Patrick Brown has gone out of his way to block social conservatives from winning nominations to be Ontario PC candidates.

Unlike Stephen Harper, Patrick Brown - and those who think like him - don't respect social conservatives. They don't want anything like Stephen Harper's Big Tent CONSERVATIVE Party. They want our party to be "a socially liberal" party.

That's just one reason why I'm running for the Leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada. I understand that to win in 2019 we need ALL parts of our conservative family working together. We need fiscal conservatives, social conservatives, cultural conservatives, law-and-order conservatives, democratic conservatives and national security conservatives.

Patrick Brown就是彭建邦,安省保守党的领头, 安省81:0 通过m-103 , 主要因为彭建邦同意。 现在看了Broad Trost 的政策明白为什么当时彭建邦同意m-103.
最后编辑: 2017-03-12

从Brad Trost 的政策看, 他不支持碳税, 但是看来保守党里庄文浩(Michael Chong) and Kevin O'Leary支持碳税。

The impact of carbon pricing in any form won't be limited to the cost of heating homes and driving cars either. Carbon pricing will make fuel burned by farmers for their spring and fall farm work more expensive. Natural gas required to heat producers' hog, chicken and dairy barns will be more costly. The price of transporting everything to your local stores will go up as well. All this means food will be more expensive for everyone too.

Michael Chong and Kevin O'Leary support a national carbon tax. I don't agree with them, but I respect that they are clear about what they believe and what they will do if elected. Everyone else in this race is afraid of special interest groups and the left-wing media, so they are resorting to politically correct bafflegab.
最后编辑: 2017-03-12
最后编辑: 2017-03-12
Brad, Erin, Andrew, Chris几个都还不错,其中Andrew目前支持率最高,被排斥率最低,我把他排第二,第一庄文浩,第三Brad。排除MB(支持魁独),KL和KO。
IMG_3801.PNG 庄文浩几乎所有的社会理念、移民难民政策和大多数华人都是相左的,他坚决支持M103。也可以在上表中看看他在其它法案中的态度。
很明显, 谁同意M-103, 穆斯林就选谁。

从Brad Trost 的政策看, 他不支持碳税, 但是看来保守党里庄文浩(Michael Chong) and Kevin O'Leary支持碳税。

The impact of carbon pricing in any form won't be limited to the cost of heating homes and driving cars either. Carbon pricing will make fuel burned by farmers for their spring and fall farm work more expensive. Natural gas required to heat producers' hog, chicken and dairy barns will be more costly. The price of transporting everything to your local stores will go up as well. All this means food will be more expensive for everyone too.

Michael Chong and Kevin O'Leary support a national carbon tax. I don't agree with them, but I respect that they are clear about what they believe and what they will do if elected. Everyone else in this race is afraid of special interest groups and the left-wing media, so they are resorting to politically correct bafflegab.
都不收碳税。只有土豆装B.给国民增加负担。 支持碳税的不能选。




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