
Erin O’Toole, former minister of Veterans Affairs and former Air Force captain is winning a ton of endorsements, including an important one from Atlantic Canada — the leader of the Nova Scotia Progressive Conservatives, Jamie Baillie (they worked together to bring the Nova Scotia PCs back to government in 1999).
Andrew Scheer, a Saskatchewan MP who was Speaker of the House under the Conservatives (and, not yet 32 when appointed, the youngest to hold that position), is well respected and has an impressive amount of support from Conservative MPs and strong fundraising. He’s been touting himself as a “real” conservative with a pledge to add property rights to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (appealing to rural landowners) while balancing the budget.
Michael Chong has positioned himself as a “progressive” conservative. He’s one of the only Conservatives to say he would support the Liberals’ anti-Islamophobia motion and is pretty lonely among Conservative party candidates in supporting a carbon tax.

note: 加拿大本地媒体对庄文浩的评价很特别, 因为他跟别的保守党不一样, 既支持M103, 又支持碳税,用个“pretty lonely" 的词。
最后编辑: 2017-03-12
Chris Alexander was Canada’s first resident ambassador to Afghanistan and Minister of Citizenship and Immigration under Harper. He took a lot of heat during the last federal election for not immediately responding to the Syrian refugee crisis. He’s pushing job creation, too, and lays blame at the feet of Trudeau for worsening the crisis in Syria.
Deepak Obhrai, a long-serving Calgary MP who served as parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, says he wants to build a Conservative party for a more youthful, multicultural Canada. Known for his playful sense of humour, Obhrai recently grabbed headlines for challenging O’Leary to a one-on-one debate (O’Leary declined).
价值观先放一边, 支持碳税的不能选, 今天在外面溜了一圈, 3月了还觉得冷溲溲的, 这碳排放导致全球变暖对加拿大是天大的利好, 发展下去若干年以后加拿大的多数地方都宜居, 甚至广大无人区都可以开发出来, 加拿大应该积极鼓励碳排放才对, 不好意思明说, 暗地里也该支持支持

碳税就是个政府收钱的借口, 谁会为了碳税去调低自家的温度? 谁又会为了碳税不开车? 既然碳税起不到应有的作用,那就不该搞
不明白为什么kevin O'leary 得票高? 他不懂法语, 大部分时间在美国.
Brad, Erin, Andrew, Chris几个都还不错,其中Andrew目前支持率最高,被排斥率最低,我把他排第二,第一庄文浩,第三Brad。排除MB(支持魁独),KL和KO。
bleeblee, 看你懂得多, 请教下,你清楚为什么kevin o'leary 得票这么高?
价值观先放一边, 支持碳税的不能选, 今天在外面溜了一圈, 3月了还觉得冷溲溲的, 这碳排放导致全球变暖对加拿大是天大的利好, 发展下去若干年以后加拿大的多数地方都宜居, 甚至广大无人区都可以开发出来, 加拿大应该积极鼓励碳排放才对

碳税就是个政府收钱的借口, 谁会为了碳税去调低自家的温度? 谁又会为了碳税不开车? 既然碳税起不到应有的作用,那就不该搞
环保这个事,是必须做的,但不能不考虑自己的经济承担能力。加拿大企业的经营环境这么差,年年加税,负担转移累加到企业头上,就是倒闭,接着就是就业机会的流失。蒙特利尔市中心,那些大 MALL ,大 PLACE 里,本来寸土寸金的地方,现在空租多多。地税商业税逼迫房东不得不涨租,本来就经济萧条消费不振sales下滑啊,商户无利可图,有的 MALL 集体逃租,抗租就算好的,有的直接 default 关门走人 .




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