你google 搜索安省 护士罢工, 很容易搜到 Ontario Nurses Association 在2018 年2 月与 安省医院协会 闹僵, 威胁罢工的 消息。 你的据说,是据你自己拍屁股说, 你想说啥就说啥。稍微有点道德底线的人至少不编故事, 你甚至给不出你说不允许罢工的出处。 完全是按你自己想象胡编的。
Hospital Labour Disputes Arbitration Act (HLDAA)
HLDAA prohibits strikes and lock-outs where collective bargaining involves employees of the "hospital sector" (e.g., hospitals and long-term care homes); if these parties are unable to reach a negotiated settlement, their bargaining impasse is resolved by binding arbitration.
Strikes and lock-outs prohibited
11 (1) Despite anything in the
Labour Relations Act, 1995, no hospital employees to whom this Act applies shall strike and no employer of such employees shall lock them out. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.14, s. 11 (1); 1997, c. 21, Sched. A, s. 4 (9).