Dr. Joel Moskowitz, Director of the Center for Family and Community Health at the University of California Berkeley,
shared that hybrid and electric cars may be cancer-causing as they emit increased levels of ELF.
Recent epidemiologic studies have connected ELFs to a higher risk of developing certain types of
Depression, and
miscarriage, and many studies show that this exposure can have direct in vivo and in vitro
bioeffects. ELFs can increase
oxidative stress, which can damage DNA, involve lipid peroxidation, and cause other body system disturbances.
电动机功率好几十千瓦一个,其中的永久磁铁的高斯量大的惊人。电池还有几十千瓦时的能量, 那车停在车库了,你在楼上,那个电磁辐射量远远超过微波炉wifi电视手机led灯的总和。