知道美国的medicaid吗?Wisconsin的FAMILY CARE和COPP WAIVER。这里给你上上课。学完了,就明白我们为什么要做养老院项目,为什么在WISCONSIN 做养老院。养老院的低收入的老人,是有政府掏钱养老的。所以我们希望老人长寿。 我的几个新雇员的家人就是享受政府补贴的,等我们项目开业,他们从另一家养老院转过来。
Overview of Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) and the Flexible Family Care Benefit
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Family Care improves the cost-effective coordination of long-term care services by creating a single flexible benefit that includes a large number of health and long-term care services that otherwise would be available through separate programs. A member of a MCO has access to a large number of specific health services offered by Medicaid, as well as the long-term care services in the Home and Community-Based Waivers and the very flexible state-funded Community Options Program. In order to assure access to services, MCOs develop and manage a comprehensive network of long-term care services and support, either through contracts with providers, or by direct service provision by MCO employees. MCOs are responsible for assuring and continually improving the quality of care and services consumers receive. MCOs receive a monthly per person payment to manage and purchase care for their members, who may be living in their own homes, group living situations, or nursing facilities. Some highlights of the Family Care benefit package are: [/FONT][/FONT]
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[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]People Receive Services Where They Live[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]. MCO members receive Family Care services where they live, which may be in their own home or supported apartment, or in alternative residential settings such as [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]
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[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Residential Care Apartment Complexes, Community-Based Residential Facilities (我们的养老院是这种), Adult Family Homes, Nursing Homes, or Intermediate Care Facilities for people with developmental disabilities. [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]People Receive Interdisciplinary Case Management[/FONT][/FONT]. Each member has support from an interdisciplinary team that consists of, at a minimum, a social worker/care manager and a Registered Nurse. Other professionals, as appropriate, also participate as members of the interdisciplinary team. The interdisciplinary team conducts a comprehensive assessment of the member’s needs, abilities, preferences and values with the consumer and his or her representative, if any. The assessment looks at areas such as: activities of daily living, physical health, nutrition, autonomy and self-determination, communication, and mental health and cognition. [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]People Participate in Determining the Services They Receive[/FONT][/FONT]. Members or their authorized representatives take an active role with the interdisciplinary team in developing their care plans. MCOs provide support and information to assure members are making informed decisions about their needs and the services they receive. Members may also participate in the Self-Directed Supports component of Family Care, in which they have increased control over their long-term care budgets and providers.
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]People Receive Family Care Services that Include: [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Long-Term Care Services [/FONT][/FONT]that have traditionally been part of the Medicaid Waiver programs or the Community Options Program. These include services such as adult day care, home modifications, home delivered meals and supportive home care.
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Health Care Services [/FONT][/FONT]that help people achieve their long-term care outcomes. These services include home health, skilled nursing, mental health services, and occupational, physical and speech therapy. For Medicaid recipients, health care services not included in Family Care are available through the Medicaid fee-for-service program.
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]People Receive Help Coordinating Their Primary Health Care[/FONT][/FONT]. In addition to assuring that people get the health and long-term care services in the Family Care benefit package, the MCO interdisciplinary teams also help members coordinate all their health care, including, if needed, helping members get to and communicate with their physicians and helping them manage their treatments and medications.
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]People Receive Services to Help Achieve Their Employment Objectives[/FONT][/FONT]. Services such as daily living skills training, day treatment, pre-vocational services and supported employment are included in the Family Care benefit package. Other Family Care services such as transportation and personal care also help people meet their employment goals.
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]People Receive the Services that Best Achieve Their Outcomes[/FONT][/FONT]. The MCO is not restricted to providing only the specific services listed in the Family Care benefit package. The MCO interdisciplinary care management team and the member may decide that other services, treatments or supports are more likely to help the member achieve his or her outcomes, and the MCO would then authorize those services in the member’s care plan.
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[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]As of June 1, 2009, Family Care is available to nearly 60 percent of Wisconsin residents that qualify for publically funded long-term care. Thirty-two ADRCs are operational, serving 55 counties and 1 Tribe, accounting for over 70 percent of the state’s population. [/FONT]