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回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

哦 那请问已经S2的呢?退款不?
回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

哦 那请问已经S2的呢?退款不?


依据: An applicant may withdraw an application and receive a refund of the cost recovery fee any time before processing of the application begins at a visa office or at the CIO. This rule also applies to applications that are not eligible for processing according to the Ministerial Instructions. Once processing has begun at a visa office or at the CIO, the cost recovery fee is not refundable.(援引自OP6)


回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

上联:好久没来了,91的开始了吗? 有说开始的,有说没开始的,莫衷一是,有人起哄架秧子。乃不知有汉,无论魏晋……精辟!一个比一个精辟!精辟的堪称人才啊!91的移民火星了。质疑的都心理阴暗?!哈哈~~~~

下联:每天都来了,91的开始了吗? 有没动静的,有转省提名的,谣言四起,有人散布假消息。却不知所云,无论真假……屁精!一个比一个屁精!屁精的不算坏银啊!91的未来渺茫了。相信的都阳光乐观!?哼哼~~~~

回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了



某一日,老佛爷觉得无聊,八面玲珑的李莲英公公,决定给老佛爷讲个笑话:“从前啊,有个太监啊…… ~” 之后,李莲英便闭口不语了。老佛爷等了半天,也没见李莲英有搭话的意思,实在忍不住了就问:“小李子,下边呢?” 李莲英笑着说:“回老佛爷的话,下边没了!~”


宫女乙回答说:“老佛爷真是天威莫测!老佛爷看到在场的太监宫女在陪着笑,天颜大怒,说:'你们这帮没有下边儿的奴才,懂得什么下边儿没了?’ ”


宫女乙回答说:“我能怎么说呀? 又敢怎么说呀?哪敢怀疑啊?我就只好说:‘回老佛爷,奴婢不知道。老佛爷说下边儿有,那下边儿就是有,老佛爷说下边儿没有,那下边儿就没有。李总管说下边儿有,那下边儿就是有,李总管说下边儿没有,那下边儿就没有。”



回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了




  • Proposing to return applications and refund up to $130 million in fees paid by certain federal skilled worker applicants who applied under previous criteria established prior to February 27, 2008.

The Government of Canada announced on 29 March 2012 a plan to reduce the backlog of Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications by returning all applications and government fees submitted prior to 27 February 2008. This will amount to a total of almost 300,000 returned applications, as well as approximately $130 million in refunded government processing fees.
Approximately 160,000 FSW applications, submitted after 28 February 2008, will remain in queue for processing.
回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了





3,是对于某些受行规限制(regulated occupation)的职业的从业资格(请注意,这是qualification assessment,而不是skills assessment)进行评估,还是对所有职业进行评估,目前也不明确。

4,如何进行职业评估?只能举例说明。2002年以前,所有工程师职业申请人,必须要在向CIC递交申请前,向CCPE(Canadian Council of Professional Engineers)进行资格评估。当时仅是对学历(Qualification)的评估,申请人需要有工程学士学位,并且毕业院校是某所经CCPE认可的院校。

回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了


又及:有没有法律人来谈谈(a)“一刀砍”法理方面的argument; (b)以91SAP为例,一部分放过了而另外一部分卡掉了,这里又有怎样的 legal argument?


回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了




3,是对于某些受行规限制(regulated occupation)的职业的从业资格(请注意,这是qualification assessment,而不是skills assessment)进行评估,还是对所有职业进行评估,目前也不明确。

4,如何进行职业评估?只能举例说明。2002年以前,所有工程师职业申请人,必须要在向CIC递交申请前,向CCPE(Canadian Council of Professional Engineers)进行资格评估。当时仅是对学历(Qualification)的评估,申请人需要有工程学士学位,并且毕业院校是某所经CCPE认可的院校。


杏花春雨兄还是make it shiny, anti-tarnish的活儿,我来干。但是,我又担心把anti-tarnish干成了make it tarnish。

回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

Response to #712



去年7・12香港九勇士请愿活动时,Nine protesters gathered outside the Canadian consulate-general in Exchange Square yesterday, all claiming to have waited over five years for a reply on their immigration status. The protesters, mostly from Shenzhen, said the consulate should follow a first come, first served policy.

Jacobus Versteegh, immigration program manager at the consulate, said Hong Kong receives more applications than Beijing, and therefore could not work through the backlog as quickly. He denied that nothing was being done about the backlog. Of the 80,000 visas set to be issued worldwide this year, a quarter will be from backlogged cases before 2008, he said.

Though he empathized with the protesters, he said: "You can't lose what you didn't have. Just because an application has been received, it doesn't mean there's a guarantee."

回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了




Under proposed legislation, CIC will close the files of FSW applicants who applied before February 27, 2008, and for whom an immigration officer has not made a decision based on selection criteria by March 29, 2012. This is expected to affect around 280,000 applicants, including their dependants. CIC will begin the process of returning the full amount of fees paid to the Department by these affected FSW applicants. For those who have passed the selection criteria stage approximately 20,000 people CIC will continue processing their applications until they are approved for entry into Canada or not.
回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了




Under proposed legislation, CIC will close the files of FSW applicants who applied before February 27, 2008, and for whom an immigration officer has not made a decision based on selection criteria by March 29, 2012. This is expected to affect around 280,000 applicants, including their dependants. CIC will begin the process of returning the full amount of fees paid to the Department by these affected FSW applicants. For those who have passed the selection criteria stage approximately 20,000 people CIC will continue processing their applications until they are approved for entry into Canada or not.

See also Notice ? Questions and answers: Changes that affect Federal Skilled Worker applications

Q1. Why do you propose removing the FSW backlog?

Canada needs to select immigrants who are ready, willing and able to fully integrate into Canada’s labour market and fill gaps in our economy, particularly where we have existing skills shortages.

The large backlog of applications that has accumulated under the Federal Skilled Worker Program is impeding the responsiveness of Canada’s immigration system.

Canada risks losing the global talent competition for the world’s best and brightest as potential immigrants choose to take their skills to other countries with more responsive immigration systems rather than remain in the queue to have their application processed in Canada.

Economic Action Plan 2012 therefore proposes to return applications and refund fees paid by certain federal skilled worker applicants who applied under previous criteria established prior to February 27, 2008.

Removing the backlog of FSW applications will allow CIC to focus on bringing in skilled immigrants who apply under the current eligibility criteria and are more suited for shortages in Canada’s economy today.

Q2. Would I be affected if CIC removes the FSW backlog?

Under the proposed changes, CIC would close Federal Skilled Worker applicants’ files if they:

applied before February 27, 2008, and
have not had a decision made by an immigration officer based on selection criteria by March 29, 2012. (information on selection criteria is below)
We expect this would affect around 280,000 people including dependents.

If the proposed law is passed, CIC would begin to return the full amount of fees paid by affected FSW applicants.

Q3. Is there any reason I would not get my refund?

The proposed changes are intended to be retroactive to March 29, 2012. If an immigration officer had refused your application based on selection criteria before that date, you will not get a refund.

Q4. What does a "decision based on selection criteria" mean?

A "decision based on selection criteria" means that an immigration officer:

has assessed your FSW application against the points grid, and
has made a decision on whether or not you meet the selection criteria of the program.
Currently, the pass mark is 67 points out of a grid worth 100 points. The grid considers the person’s:

ability in English and/or French
work experience
whether they have a job already arranged in Canada (arranged employment), and
how well they might adapt to living in Canada (which awards points for things like previous work or study in Canada, spouse’s education and relatives in Canada).
If your application is successful, you would move to the next phase (i.e. admissibility). At that point you would be checked against health, security and criminality requirements before being allowed to enter Canada.

If you do not score at least 67 on the FSW points grid, your application would be refused and CIC would inform you of the decision.

Q5. How would I get my refund?

More details on the proposed change will be announced soon. Once the proposal is approved through Parliament, CIC will begin to return the fees.

Details will be available on the CIC website.

Q6. What options would I have if my application is removed from the backlog?

If your file is closed by CIC, you may re-apply under the current FSW criteria. If you have the skills Canada needs now, your application would likely be processed much faster ? new FSW applications are processed within 6-12 months.


回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

Response to #712



去年7・12香港九勇士请愿活动时,Nine protesters gathered outside the Canadian consulate-general in Exchange Square yesterday, all claiming to have waited over five years for a reply on their immigration status. The protesters, mostly from Shenzhen, said the consulate should follow a first come, first served policy.

Jacobus Versteegh, immigration program manager at the consulate, said Hong Kong receives more applications than Beijing, and therefore could not work through the backlog as quickly. He denied that nothing was being done about the backlog. Of the 80,000 visas set to be issued worldwide this year, a quarter will be from backlogged cases before 2008, he said.

Though he empathized with the protesters, he said: "You can't lose what you didn't have. Just because an application has been received, it doesn't mean there's a guarantee."


回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

除了少数幸运者,这里的人们可以忘掉FSW这回事了。This is expected to affect around 280,000 applicants, including their dependants. 我是1/280,000,我会加入到和CIC干一下的行动中。
回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了


等到 proposed legislation 变成了 legislation,就有法理依据了。反讽的是,那也将是事实了。



回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了







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