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Backyard Composting 10 Easy Steps
Choose a flat, partly-sunny area with good drainage.
Purchase a bin from your municipality or a store or build your own rodent-proof compost bin. Keeping a lid on your bin will help keep out rain and rodents.
tip : The ideal compost bin size is one cubic metre in order to retain the heat it generates.
Create a 6-10 cm base layer using straw, leaves, or woody brushy material to promote air circulation.
Alternate layers of green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich) materials.
tip : Chop up large materials for faster decomposition.
Whenever you add a food scrap layer, top it off with a layer of brown material (5-8 cm). If you only use kitchen scraps (green material), your compost will likely be wet and break down more slowly.
tip : In the fall, collect dry leaves into an old garbage container so that you can use them
Mix bin contents every week or two. This aerates the materials and gets the bin heating up again, allowing them to decompose faster. Purchase an aerator tool or use an old ski pole or broom handle.
Moisture content of the bin should be like a wrung-out dish rag. Only add water if it is very dry after mixing.
tip : To maintain proper moisture content, balance the amount of green and brown
Pile will shrink. Continue to add layers of green and brown materials until bin is almost full.
Compost is generally ready to use after about 2-3 months; however, aging the compost for another 1-2 months is recommended.
tip : If you have room, set up two composters so you can add to one bin as the other
one matures.
Harvest your compost when the compost at the bottom and centre is decomposed, full of healthy worms, and moist. Dig out the compost with a shovel, using the door at the bottom of a commercial bin; or if you have built your own, remove the top new layers and dig the compost from the centre.
tip : You may choose to sift your compost through a mesh screen to remove large pieces of compost