
回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!

I am writing in English is because I don’t have Chinese input tools installed in my office computer. Please don’t criticize me.

I live in Alberta, maybe the rules is different to BC. So my experience is just for your reference

I read your article yesterday and want to tell you about my experience to help you. I was planning to reply you in Chinese at night at home, but I didn’t because I have to take care of my baby.

I am a computer programmer, living in an apartment. I don’t know why but the landlord let me manage the whole building because he needs to live in another city. My duty is to maintain all the apartments (fix, cleaning, and lawn moving) and also collect rent fee every month and deposit it into his bank account. So I got the chance to know the native tenant about how kind or how bad how rich or how poor they are and also how the landlord and tenant fight with each other.

To help you I just tell you I and the landlord fight with the bad tenant.

About 6 months ago, A tenant’s pay check didn’t go through the bank ( Kong Tou Zhi Piao) which means he didn’t pay the rent. I give him 14 day notice to move out(In this article, every time I say I did something with the tenant is the landlord command me to do it), and warned him that if he don’t pay within 14 days, I will shut down the electric power and water(in fact I can shut down the power of a apartment only I can shutdown the water of the whole building not for a apartment). If it was not summer I will scare him by saying shutdown the heat too. Then 14 days later, I shutdown the power and he moved out at the end of that month without make any cleaning without notice me that he has gone. I call him and left message, he never call me back. Naturally I didn’t return him the security deposit(Ya Jin)

Later on the landlord talked about this tenant with me, he said he is not the worst. He have ever meet a bad tenant who didn’t pay the rent, and not going to move out. The landlord shutdown the power, and also take his apartment door off. Then the tenant use the power outlet bar with long cord connected to the power outlet in the hallway, and put a curtain on the frame of the door. The landlord came and took the power cord off the outlet once a while. Later on the landlord asked his friend who was a very robust white man scared the tenant. Later, the tenant moved out.

Don’t be afraid of the native Canadian. When you talk with gentleman be gentle, but not with such bad tenant. I heard my landlord fight with his tenant, the first thing he say is “fuck you”. Sometime tenant threat me saying will sue me to the court, when I tell my landlord, he will say: “Please let him go ahead”. Just give another example. On the 15 of a month, a tenant came to give me 30 day notice that he is going to move out 15th of next month. Normally tenant move out on the end of the month, but in the rent agreement, it didn’t say you can only moue out at then end of month. So I called the landlord, maybe he was busy on his issue and agreed. After the tenant move out, the landlord wanted me to reduce half of the rent from his security deposit. I think the tenant didn’t do anything wrong and you have agreed with her. The landlord said, “ok, please call the landlord administration ask them for suggestion”. I called the administration, they said: “If the apartment is not rent out in the next half month, then I can charge half of the rent”. I am really scared when I mail the list of charge and the check with the remaining part of her security deposit to her because she was a Japanese doing not very good job. Money was very important to her. She fight with me many times and threaten me to sue me to the court many times before she move out for other issues. I have prepared in mind that when she call me, I will say: “ please don’t talk to me, please call the police or sue me”. But she never call me at all.

Do you know what will happen if the tenant call the police if you fight with him. My tenant fight with each other, and called me. I said, please call police, I manage the building not manage your relationship. Then they called police, when police came, they know the tenants fight each other but nobody is hurt. The police can’t figure who is right who is wrong and left with doing anything. So if you fight with your tenant don’t be afraid of police.

I don’t suggest you talk with Mr San Mu. The agent or lawyer is the person who want to make simple things complex. He only try to make you confused with rules, regulations or laws, scare you and let you listen to his all kinds trainings to puzzle you. Then he can charge you the service fee. His purpose is not to help you solve your problem. The longer you spend on this issue or the more trouble you have the happier he is.


回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!

I am writing in English is because I don’t have Chinese input tools installed in my office computer. Please don’t criticize me.



1. 在BC省,管理出租房屋,必须要专门的licence。 根据你的说法,你好像没licence就管理出租房屋,这在BC省是不允许的(见real estate service act)。

2. 在BC省,没有取得相关的裁决指令以前,屋主不得停水停电(见RTA第32条第1款);不能把屋子锁起立,不让租户进门 (见RTA第31条第1款)。

我没有管理出租房屋的执照,不可能开展相关业务;我不是律师,不可能帮人打官司,所以你说的误导别人以图牟利的动机在我这里不存在。我在这个帖子里的发言,和你一样,完全是帮忙的,没有任何企图误导任何人,请大人明察。 :confused::confused::confused:
最后编辑: 2009-11-26
回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!



1. 在BC省,管理出租房屋,必须要专门的licence。 根据你的说法,你好像没licence就管理出租房屋,这在BC省是不允许的(见real estate service act)。

2. 在BC省,没有取得相关的裁决指令以前,屋主不得停水停电(见RTA第32条第1款);不能把屋子锁起立,不让租户进门 (见RTA第31条第1款)。

我没有管理出租房屋的执照,不可能开展相关业务;我不是律师,不可能帮人打官司,所以你说的误导别人以图牟利的动机在我这里不存在。我在这个帖子里的发言,和你一样,完全是帮忙的,没有任何企图误导任何人,请大人明察。 :confused::confused::confused:
回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!



1. 在BC省,管理出租房屋,必须要专门的licence。 根据你的说法,你好像没licence就管理出租房屋,这在BC省是不允许的(见real estate service act)。

2. 在BC省,没有取得相关的裁决指令以前,屋主不得停水停电(见RTA第32条第1款);不能把屋子锁起立,不让租户进门 (见RTA第31条第1款)。

我没有管理出租房屋的执照,不可能开展相关业务;我不是律师,不可能帮人打官司,所以你说的误导别人以图牟利的动机在我这里不存在。我在这个帖子里的发言,和你一样,完全是帮忙的,没有任何企图误导任何人,请大人明察。 :confused::confused::confused:
1. 不一定的,只要不签字,应该是没问题的。车行卖车也要License,但是没有License一样可以上去推销。

2. 你那是法律,实际上执行起来未必是这样。大多数这种烂房客都很懒很穷,他们不太可能去自己钻研法律上庭,或者雇佣律师打官司。房产公司摸准他们的脾气,这么做是很有道理的。

3. peterzyj讲的是实战,三木讲的是理论,二者还是有区别的。
回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!


多年前,我曾经有过经验作为租客去租屋所(RTB - Residential Tenancy Branch)申请Resolution Dispution,那里的Officer都非常Nice。仔细告诉你所有的过程。。。他们的工作过程都遵循严格的Process,效率并不低,我递交的申请两周后我就有消息并制定听证Hearing,他们并没有根据法律的死条款去认定没有过错的人有错。。。也没有一定要大家坐在一起,只是约定了时间举行了一个电话听证会议。。。省去不少时间、路程等。。。
数天后我就收到信Decision Made,Decision Made完毕之后,如果你不满意结果,你还有机会申请Review。千万不要自作聪明拒绝接受别人的信件或Register Mail,不去或不按时去听证。。。按照法律规定,Register Mail没有去申领被退回,按照发信5日后已收到处理(如果你没有铁证证明你无法正常受到信件的话)。。。我的那个房东就自作聪明用各种借口拒绝退还我的押金,拒绝接受我发的Register Mail,= 拒绝听证,结果失去为自己辩护的机会,最后被判赔我双倍押金,那个房东继续拒绝接受我的Register Mail,= 拒绝赔我双倍押金,并最后失去申诉机会。。。我就只好申请强制执行Enforcement。。。




最后编辑: 2009-11-27
回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!



当然,Building Manager据说是要License的,好像也没有硬性规定。。。当然兼职的偶就更不知道有没有这样的硬性规定了。


另另另外,据我所知,根据BC省的租房条例,房东确实没有权利驱阻房客,但是可以申请强制执行,申请让sheriff Officer强制执行限制其48小时之内搬离。如果房客没有工作,那并不是房东的过错,无家可归、没有工作的人可以去政府的收留所。房东为什么要为无家可归、没有工作的人去承担责任和义务?

两周后如果房客还是没有交房租,到小金额法庭(Small Claim Court)申请强制执行,申请费用$70元左右(含Police fee $30)。。。申请让sheriff Officer强制执行,限制其48小时之内搬离。。。此房客从此进入RTB恶房客黑名单。。。





最后编辑: 2009-11-27
回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!

"To talk with gentleman be gentle, but not with such bad people..."

够经典!!!two thumbs up!!

最后编辑: 2009-11-27


回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!








最后编辑: 2009-11-27


回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!

回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!









2。“屋主可以自卖自己的房子,而代理别人卖房子必须有License一样”是房地产买卖、大综金额交易的严格法规(Real Estate Trades Act),不同的法律体系,不要拿来与租务条例(房东、二房东与房客的关系Residential Tenancy Act)比照好不好?
当然,如果是地产管理公司,房东需要签定经纪代理合同(Real Estate Trades),那么地产管理公司这个执行经纪一定要有License。因为经纪代表这个地产管理公司。如果有纠纷,地产管理公司当然要找合格的经纪有License的去执行啦。。。否则地产管理公司担当这个责任和损失?
最后编辑: 2009-11-27
回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!

回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!


I am writing in English is because I don’t have Chinese input tools installed in my office computer. Please don’t criticize me.

I live in Alberta, maybe the rules is different to BC. So my experience is just for your reference

I read your article yesterday and want to tell you about my experience to help you. I was planning to reply you in Chinese at night at home, but I didn’t because I have to take care of my baby.

I am a computer programmer, living in an apartment. I don’t know why but the landlord let me manage the whole building because he needs to live in another city. My duty is to maintain all the apartments (fix, cleaning, and lawn moving) and also collect rent fee every month and deposit it into his bank account. So I got the chance to know the native tenant about how kind or how bad how rich or how poor they are and also how the landlord and tenant fight with each other.

To help you I just tell you I and the landlord fight with the bad tenant.

About 6 months ago, A tenant’s pay check didn’t go through the bank ( Kong Tou Zhi Piao) which means he didn’t pay the rent. I give him 14 day notice to move out(In this article, every time I say I did something with the tenant is the landlord command me to do it), and warned him that if he don’t pay within 14 days, I will shut down the electric power and water(in fact I can shut down the power of a apartment only I can shutdown the water of the whole building not for a apartment). If it was not summer I will scare him by saying shutdown the heat too. Then 14 days later, I shutdown the power and he moved out at the end of that month without make any cleaning without notice me that he has gone. I call him and left message, he never call me back. Naturally I didn’t return him the security deposit(Ya Jin)

Later on the landlord talked about this tenant with me, he said he is not the worst. He have ever meet a bad tenant who didn’t pay the rent, and not going to move out. The landlord shutdown the power, and also take his apartment door off. Then the tenant use the power outlet bar with long cord connected to the power outlet in the hallway, and put a curtain on the frame of the door. The landlord came and took the power cord off the outlet once a while. Later on the landlord asked his friend who was a very robust white man scared the tenant. Later, the tenant moved out.

Don’t be afraid of the native Canadian. When you talk with gentleman be gentle, but not with such bad tenant. I heard my landlord fight with his tenant, the first thing he say is “fuck you”. Sometime tenant threat me saying will sue me to the court, when I tell my landlord, he will say: “Please let him go ahead”. Just give another example. On the 15 of a month, a tenant came to give me 30 day notice that he is going to move out 15th of next month. Normally tenant move out on the end of the month, but in the rent agreement, it didn’t say you can only moue out at then end of month. So I called the landlord, maybe he was busy on his issue and agreed. After the tenant move out, the landlord wanted me to reduce half of the rent from his security deposit. I think the tenant didn’t do anything wrong and you have agreed with her. The landlord said, “ok, please call the landlord administration ask them for suggestion”. I called the administration, they said: “If the apartment is not rent out in the next half month, then I can charge half of the rent”. I am really scared when I mail the list of charge and the check with the remaining part of her security deposit to her because she was a Japanese doing not very good job. Money was very important to her. She fight with me many times and threaten me to sue me to the court many times before she move out for other issues. I have prepared in mind that when she call me, I will say: “ please don’t talk to me, please call the police or sue me”. But she never call me at all.

Do you know what will happen if the tenant call the police if you fight with him. My tenant fight with each other, and called me. I said, please call police, I manage the building not manage your relationship. Then they called police, when police came, they know the tenants fight each other but nobody is hurt. The police can’t figure who is right who is wrong and left with doing anything. So if you fight with your tenant don’t be afraid of police.

I don’t suggest you talk with Mr San Mu. The agent or lawyer is the person who want to make simple things complex. He only try to make you confused with rules, regulations or laws, scare you and let you listen to his all kinds trainings to puzzle you. Then he can charge you the service fee. His purpose is not to help you solve your problem. The longer you spend on this issue or the more trouble you have the happier he is.
回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!

peterzyj 说的很好,而且都是自己亲身经历的。
我还真不信就没有办法赶走一个无赖,而且我真的不信政府/警察会不分清红皂白的袒护无赖 (如果你确定它确实是无赖)。
在中国怎么处理在加拿大还能一样处理。你就别费钱费时间的请律师中介了,停水停电锁上门然后出去玩一个月去! 自己想开一点,不就是和一个无赖斗斗,你自己想着法子从它身上找点乐子嘛!租你的房子还能成老大啊!
最后编辑: 2009-12-09
回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!

警察都不管那你就停水停电锁它的门啊,警察来了你就无辜的说No Mondey,或者线路坏了,修也需要时间啊。我自己都没有钱用水电,凭什么保证它的??
回复: 惨痛教训!购房遇到麻烦租客。谁有经验处理这类事?帮帮我,谢谢!

警察都不管那你就停水停电锁它的门啊,警察来了你就无辜的说No Mondey,或者线路坏了,修也需要时间啊。我自己都没有钱用水电,凭什么保证它的??




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