回复: 温哥华寻找工作机会的途迳
位于Burnaby Gilmore 捷运站附近,
请致电申请:604-960-3144或 604-960-3084。
位于Burnaby Gilmore 捷运站附近,
请致电申请:604-960-3144或 604-960-3084。
Factory Hiring a Backpack Finisher - No Experience Necessary!
We are looking for a backpack finisher to work at our Burnaby Factory, located by the Gilmore station.
Physical work, no experience necessary. Ext. health & dental plus other benefits.
Training provided. To apply, call 604-960-3144 or 604-960-3084.
We are looking for a backpack finisher to work at our Burnaby Factory, located by the Gilmore station.
Physical work, no experience necessary. Ext. health & dental plus other benefits.
Training provided. To apply, call 604-960-3144 or 604-960-3084.