子女教育 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗

回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗

回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗

老师说还不必请家教, 东西太多, 小孩没时间消化会得不偿失.

她说要严格按照老师WEBSITE上要做的实行, 还有华人孩子口头分扣很多,因为不会用肢体, 眼神表达自己的文章, 参与性也比LOCAL的低, 要在家多训练. 我家女孩觉得这样很傻, 要不去参加DEBATE CLUB不知是否有用.

作文, 就是想法不全面, 这个就吃不准是理解有问题还是英文还不深入了, 我也抓瞎, 整个一焦虑.


Abandoned lot – Stargazing​

As darkness thickens over the Greaser's empty lot, the stars begin to appear in countless numbers. They spread out across the night sky, like a spell cast by a powerful magician. By the time the distant noises of city fade away, the stars have became as numerous as the grains of sand on the beach. Listening to the chilly air blow across the barren lot, the tinge of uneasiness in our hearts soon became just a memory from the past. The stillness engulfs us, soothing our nerves, and calming our emotions. The sub-zero temperature stings the skin, but our minds are strangely relaxed. Happy and carefree thoughts flow through the atmosphere as we begin to lose count of the hours. Half-consciously, the stars seem to have re-scattered themselves, making even a more beautiful painting of light. On the horizon, the reddish smudge to brighten; the darkness lifts and the stars dim. As the dawn of a new day appears, the star fall into their sleep, but they will return again to shine over the Greaser's lot.
最后编辑: 2013-12-08
回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗


Abandoned lot – Stargazing​

As darkness thickens over the Greaser's empty lot, the stars begin to appear in countless numbers. They spread across the night sky, like a spell cast by a powerful magician. By the time the distant noises of city fade away, the stars have became as numerous as the grains of sand on the beach. Listening to the chilly air blow across the barren lot, the tinge of uneasiness in our hearts soon became just a memory from the past. The stillness engulfs us, soothing our nerves, and calming our emotions. The sub-zero temperature stings the skin, but our minds are strangely relaxed. Happy and carefree thoughts flow through the atmosphere as we begin to lose count of the hours. Half-consciously, the stars seem to have re-scattered themselves, making even a more beautiful painting of light. One the horizon, the reddish smudge to brighten; the darkness lifts and the stars dim. As the dawn of a new day appears, the star fall into their sleep, but they will return again to shine over the Greaser's lot.

这是国内8年级孩子20分钟写出来的? 我不信。
回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗



回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗

Abandoned lot – Stargazing​

As darkness thickens over the Greaser's empty lot, the stars begin to appear in countless numbers. They spread across the night sky, like a spell cast by a powerful magician. By the time the distant noises of city fade away, the stars have became as numerous as the grains of sand on the beach. Listening to the chilly air blow across the barren lot, the tinge of uneasiness in our hearts soon became just a memory from the past. The stillness engulfs us, soothing our nerves, and calming our emotions. The sub-zero temperature stings the skin, but our minds are strangely relaxed. Happy and carefree thoughts flow through the atmosphere as we begin to lose count of the hours. Half-consciously, the stars seem to have re-scattered themselves, making even a more beautiful painting of light. On the horizon, the reddish smudge to brighten; the darkness lifts and the stars dim. As the dawn of a new day appears, the star fall into their sleep, but they will return again to shine over the Greaser's lot.

回复: 乐颠颠老妈说:





Alice Liu

回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗


回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗

回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗


Abandoned lot – Stargazing​

As darkness thickens over the Greaser's empty lot, the stars begin to appear in countless numbers. They spread across the night sky, like a spell cast by a powerful magician. By the time the distant noises of city fade away, the stars have became as numerous as the grains of sand on the beach. Listening to the chilly air blow across the barren lot, the tinge of uneasiness in our hearts soon became just a memory from the past. The stillness engulfs us, soothing our nerves, and calming our emotions. The sub-zero temperature stings the skin, but our minds are strangely relaxed. Happy and carefree thoughts flow through the atmosphere as we begin to lose count of the hours. Half-consciously, the stars seem to have re-scattered themselves, making even a more beautiful painting of light. On the horizon, the reddish smudge to brighten; the darkness lifts and the stars dim. As the dawn of a new day appears, the star fall into their sleep, but they will return again to shine over the Greaser's lot.

回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗



Alice Liu

回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗


回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗

1. 不用家长因为孩子没事给他们找事了。
2. 有了IB垫底,上了大学不会fail,要知道一般孩子大学一年级课程有一半多fail。
一天晚上吃饭聊天,我家小姑娘愤怒的说,不读IB 真好,学的简单。化学生物考90一点不难,隔壁普通班的平均90的好多个,我们IB 班就几个,我学的累得要死 ,还没有他们分数高,真是不公平。俺乘机说,好啊我们去普通班,不在这个IB 班里累死累活了。分数高点还能混个好大学。小姑娘立刻白了我一眼说:混进好大学重要还是从好大学里毕业重要啊,给你省点钱,我就不要混进去又给扫出来,我IB 学姐说了,咱IB 班进大学的,没有啥人给扫出来的。你反正不懂,不和你废话了,我读书去了。她上楼读书去了,我这个装傻的妈妈心里笑开了花。。。 我建议楼主能读IB 还是读吧,学风真心好,互相影响,我再也不用对她读书洗脑了,她比你还着急。
回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗

一天晚上吃饭聊天,我家小姑娘愤怒的说,不读IB 真好,学的简单。化学生物考90一点不难,隔壁普通班的平均90的好多个,我们IB 班就几个,我学的累得要死 ,还没有他们分数高,真是不公平。俺乘机说,好啊我们去普通班,不在这个IB 班里累死累活了。分数高点还能混个好大学。小姑娘立刻白了我一眼说:混进好大学重要还是从好大学里毕业重要啊,给你省点钱,我就不要混进去又给扫出来,我IB 学姐说了,咱IB 班进大学的,没有啥人给扫出来的。你反正不懂,不和你废话了,我读书去了。她上楼读书去了,我这个装傻的妈妈心里笑开了花。。。 我建议楼主能读IB 还是读吧,学风真心好,互相影响,我再也不用对她读书洗脑了,她比你还着急。

回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗


我儿子也是8年级,所以知道那篇SETTING里的人物,就是他们学校组织看的《THE OUTSIDER》这本书里的人物。
回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗


我儿子也是8年级,所以知道那篇SETTING里的人物,就是他们学校组织看的《THE OUTSIDER》这本书里的人物。
有没好的ESSAY 范文推荐啊?谢谢你
回复: 乐颠颠老妈说:

这次学校8年级INCENTIVE第一学期, 英文是B, 还在ESL4, ESL4倒是93, 数学97, SCIENCE 虽说是A, 但是没上90分.

然后约了去开家长会, 全年级最好的英文96, 科学98. 虽然想到借口说我们才来3年, 但是心里很焦虑啊...... 那UBC不是要平均93才能进.

要不要退出INCENTIVE啊?? 还是埋头苦干??? 别人说再苦干下去就是一NERD.


回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗

回复: 孩子学习如此辛苦, 妈妈心疼呀.请教大家我们该坚持下去吗


Abandoned lot – Stargazing​

As darkness thickens over the Greaser's empty lot, the stars begin to appear in countless numbers. They spread across the night sky, like a spell cast by a powerful magician. By the time the distant noises of city fade away, the stars have became as numerous as the grains of sand on the beach. Listening to the chilly air blow across the barren lot, the tinge of uneasiness in our hearts soon became just a memory from the past. The stillness engulfs us, soothing our nerves, and calming our emotions. The sub-zero temperature stings the skin, but our minds are strangely relaxed. Happy and carefree thoughts flow through the atmosphere as we begin to lose count of the hours. Half-consciously, the stars seem to have re-scattered themselves, making even a more beautiful painting of light. On the horizon, the reddish smudge to brighten; the darkness lifts and the stars dim. As the dawn of a new day appears, the star fall into their sleep, but they will return again to shine over the Greaser's lot.

写了是好, 但这好像不是SETTING, 是DECRIPTIVE PHARAGRAPH, 9年级的作业. 我了我们老师网站, 看到九年级INCENTIVE, 有学生SAMPLE就这种描写功力.




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