简单翻译的话 -
but having yielded (to traffic approaching from the opposite direction that is in the intersection) and given a signal as required by sections 171 and 172 , the driver may turn the vehicle to the left - 左转车必须让对向直行车 - , and traffic approaching the intersection from the opposite direction must yield the right of way to the vehicle making the left turn. - 左转车已经转到一半的,直行车必须让左转车。
对在“in the intersection ”的理解你我也许有分歧,我是理解只要过了cross walk就是在路口里了,即便停在那里,也是"in the intersection" - 借用下面ICBC 驾驶手册里的一段。
感觉还是没有明确规定,还是让好。- 完全同意你说的“让”
Steady yellow light
— yellow means that the signal is about to
turn red. You must stop before entering the intersection unless
you can’t safely stop in time.
Sometimes drivers panic if
they are in an intersection waiting
to make a left turn and the light turns yellow. In this situation,
remember that you are legally allowed to complete your turn.
But watch carefully for other vehicles, especially oncoming
drivers trying to beat the red light.