



你太主观了!加拿大政府不会因为你一个人的案件而修改他们官方的网站信息的。官方的网站列出的条条框框的规定是需要一个team 来讨论的,反反复复推敲以后才成文的!不是一个个人的网站,想如何改动,要自己来决定的。












她不能算租客 房主也不是房东。因为房主和她共用厨房,按rental act 这种不算rental,而是housing 。

RESIDENTIAL TENANCY ACT 第一部分 第一条 第4款 (c) 白纸黑字写着

This Act does not apply to living accommodation in which the tenant shares bathroom or kitchen facilities with the owner of that accommodation



我已经说的很清楚了,房东没提交证据她是房主,如果她是房东,她应该有原始的法律文件。我们有合同,就应履行合同。警察介入什么?没有法院的order就搬我东西,警察管了吗?对方律师是法官吗?律师函就是法院的法令吗?警察说律师函就是法令,只能说明,要么警察有问题,要么就是律师和法院串好了!我知道你是 恶人,你这么帮房东歪曲本质,渣子都在一起了。
最后编辑: 2016-04-01




Tenancy agreements include the standard terms
12 The standard terms are terms of every tenancy agreement

(a) whether the tenancy agreement was entered into on or before, or after, January 1, 2004, and

(b) whether or not the tenancy agreement is in writing.

Requirements for tenancy agreements
13 (1) A landlord must prepare in writing every tenancy agreement entered into on or after January 1, 2004.

(2) A tenancy agreement must comply with any requirements prescribed in the regulations and must set out all of the following:

(a) the standard terms;

(b) the correct legal names of the landlord and tenant;

(c) the address of the rental unit;

(d) the date the tenancy agreement is entered into;

(e) the address for service and telephone number of the landlord or the landlord's agent;

(f) the agreed terms in respect of the following:

(i) the date on which the tenancy starts;

(ii) if the tenancy is a periodic tenancy, whether it is on a weekly, monthly or other periodic basis;

(iii) if the tenancy is a fixed term tenancy,

(A) the date the tenancy ends, and

(B) whether the tenancy may continue as a periodic tenancy or for another fixed term after that date or whether the tenant must vacate the rental unit on that date;

(iv) the amount of rent payable for a specified period, and, if the rent varies with the number of occupants, the amount by which it varies;

(v) the day in the month, or in the other period on which the tenancy is based, on which the rent is due;

(vi) which services and facilities are included in the rent;

(vii) the amount of any security deposit or pet damage deposit and the date the security deposit or pet damage deposit was or must be paid.

(3) Within 21 days after a landlord and tenant enter into a tenancy agreement, the landlord must give the tenant a copy of the agreement.

Changes to tenancy agreement
14 (1) A tenancy agreement may not be amended to change or remove a standard term.

(2) A tenancy agreement may be amended to add, remove or change a term, other than a standard term, only if both the landlord and tenant agree to the amendment.

(3) The requirement for agreement under subsection (2) does not apply to any of the following:

(a) a rent increase in accordance with Part 3 of this Act;

(b) a withdrawal of, or a restriction on, a service or facility in accordance with section 27 [terminating or restricting services or facilities];

(c) a term in respect of which a landlord or tenant has obtained an order of the director that the agreement of the other is not required.

Application and processing fees prohibited
15 A landlord must not charge a person anything for

(a) accepting an application for a tenancy,

(b) processing the application,

(c) investigating the applicant's suitability as a tenant, or

(d) accepting the person as a tenant.

Start of rights and obligations under tenancy agreement
16 The rights and obligations of a landlord and tenant under a tenancy agreement take effect from the date the tenancy agreement is entered into, whether or not the tenant ever occupies the rental unit.


Division 2 — Other Specific Terms in a Tenancy Agreement
Landlord may require security deposit

17 A landlord may require, in accordance with this Act and the regulations, a tenant to pay a security deposit as a condition of entering into a tenancy agreement or as a term of a tenancy agreement.

Terms respecting pets and pet damage deposits
18 (1) A tenancy agreement may include terms or conditions doing either or both of the following:

(a) prohibiting pets, or restricting the size, kind or number of pets a tenant may keep on the residential property;

(b) governing a tenant's obligations in respect of keeping a pet on the residential property.

(2) If, after January 1, 2004, a landlord permits a tenant to keep a pet on the residential property, the landlord may require the tenant to pay a pet damage deposit in accordance with sections 19 [limits on amount of deposits] and 20 [landlord prohibitions respecting deposits].

Guide Dog and Service Dog Act.

Limits on amount of deposits
19 (1) A landlord must not require or accept either a security deposit or a pet damage deposit that is greater than the equivalent of 1/2 of one month's rent payable under the tenancy agreement.

(2) If a landlord accepts a security deposit or a pet damage deposit that is greater than the amount permitted under subsection (1), the tenant may deduct the overpayment from rent or otherwise recover the overpayment.

Landlord prohibitions respecting deposits
20 A landlord must not do any of the following:

(a) require a security deposit at any time other than when the landlord and tenant enter into the tenancy agreement;

(b) require or accept more than one security deposit in respect of a tenancy agreement;

(c) require a pet damage deposit at any time other than

(i) when the landlord and tenant enter into the tenancy agreement, or

(ii) if the tenant acquires a pet during the term of a tenancy agreement, when the landlord agrees that the tenant may keep the pet on the residential property;

(d) require or accept more than one pet damage deposit in respect of a tenancy agreement, irrespective of the number of pets the landlord agrees the tenant may keep on the residential property;

(e) require, or include as a term of a tenancy agreement, that the landlord automatically keeps all or part of the security deposit or the pet damage deposit at the end of the tenancy agreement.

Tenant prohibition respecting deposits
21 Unless the landlord gives written consent, a tenant must not apply a security deposit or a pet damage deposit as rent.

Acceleration term prohibited
22 A tenancy agreement must not include a term that all or part of the rent payable for the remainder of the period of the tenancy agreement becomes due and payable if a term of the tenancy agreement is breached.




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