看下面链接的规定,BC 的家用车在指定线路上冬季月份使用M+S 或者雪胎就合乎要求了。
而在阿省萨省曼省更多的是安全的考虑,用户必须要换雪胎 (雪花标志),但也有很多人在城市使用就不换雪胎,第一场雪来的时候, 趴窝的到处都是。
Designated Winter Tire & Chain Routes - Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca)
Why Some Routes do not Require Winter Tires
cities, municipalities and private roads (such as ski hills) may have their own bylaws or rules around the use of winter tires, chains or traction devices that may differ from provincial highway regulations.
Driving in the Lower Mainland and Southeastern Vancouver Island
Due to a more temperate winter climate in the Lower Mainland and southeastern Vancouver Island, drivers are not required to use winter tires in many areas along the coast. See the
South Coast Map for places where winter tires
are needed, such as the Malahat. Remember, you are responsible for equipping your vehicle properly for the conditions you are driving in. Many drivers choose to use M+S tires year-round.
Remember: If you plan to travel outside the Lower Mainland and southeastern Vancouver Island, winter tires are required on most highways.