
英语很多 small talk不太好懂,只能随时学习。下面的截图取自前几天公司内部的聊天,大家看看那个pants on是什么意思。我大概能推测,当时几乎笑出来,但周围却没人笑,所以又不敢肯定。
heads up 快点
pants on 把裤子穿上
最后编辑: 2019-11-27
再分享一个工作中学到的词:heads up。

以前工作的诊所经理经常用的词。比如管理层有什么新规定要出台,先给你透露一下风声。哪个医生在某天要做什么特殊工作,要让你有所准备…… I just give you a heads up.

这个词我自己从来没敢用过。在刚接触到这个词的时候,偶尔听到我们一个前台跟旁边的人抱怨。说经理跟她说 it’s just a heads up. 似乎有点warning她的味道。我自己认为对这个词没有充足的把握,从来没敢用过。
Yes, it can be a warning; for example, “heads up, there’s danger ahead”.
Yes, it can be a warning; for example, “heads up, there’s danger ahead”.

在原来诊所工作的时候,有时需要到手术室帮忙。大概20分钟的车程。那个surgeon手术后要回诊所看病人。我们technician就看情况了。时间早就会诊所再干一会儿,晚了就直接回家了。所以手术结束后医生总会问一句你回不回诊所。如果是我可能就会问are you going back...但是几年当中那个医生从来都是说are you heading back?

前一段时间有事要去美国,回来因故未能成行。一个同事问我要去哪,也是用where were you heading?


在原来诊所工作的时候,有时需要到手术室帮忙。大概20分钟的车程。那个surgeon手术后要回诊所看病人。我们technician就看情况了。时间早就会诊所再干一会儿,晚了就直接回家了。所以手术结束后医生总会问一句你回不回诊所。如果是我可能就会问are you going back...但是几年当中那个医生从来都是说are you heading back?

前一段时间有事要去美国,回来因故未能成行。一个同事问我要去哪,也是用where were you heading?

刚好我自己碰到过类似的情形。那次我摔伤了肋骨,在家上班,中午时分准备去医院,我在公司聊天软件上留言,出门时本想写 "I am going to hospital",但考虑到这样写时间上不明确,可能被理解成几分钟后,也可能半小时后或一小时后,于是我改用 heading,表示已经在行动。
应该不是Dress up的意思,因为我公司从不要求。

英语很多 small talk不太好懂,只能随时学习。下面的截图取自前几天公司内部的聊天,大家看看那个pants on是什么意思。我大概能推测,当时几乎笑出来,但周围却没人笑,所以又不敢肯定。
Good morning
I don’t really think “pants on “ can really be used in this sentence without context. If they meant “keep your pants on” I’m sure they would have specified.
再分享一个:in good hands。

第一次接触到这个词也是在诊所。有时候我们reinsure patients这个医生很好。会take good care of you. 说“You are in good hands.”

当然这个词不是一定要指医生的hands。有一次我自己也得到这样的评价。一个同事因为其他事情要把手头的病人交给我完成余下的检查,安慰病人说you are in good hands。

Game of Thrones里面也见到过这个词。Jon Snow离开Winterfell前,Sansa质问他那Winterfell怎么办,Jon回答说I will leave it in good hands。Sansa接着问“whose?” Jon回答 Yours。
Hey, @哈法 and guys, i just found this article about the use of 'advise, recommend and suggest". It's amazing!

  • Advise is the most formal and is used with subjects like doctor, teacher, counselor, government official, etc.
  • Suggest is more informal and is used to express an idea or opinion.
  • Recommend is more personal and is used when the speaker is giving a suggestion based on personal experience.

Now we're ready to examine all the possible sentence patterns for these verbs.
1. Followed by a noun object

Pattern:recommend/suggest/advise + noun
  • He recommended the restaurant down the street.
  • The designer suggested the color blue for the living room.
  • My doctor advised exercise after my heart attack.

Note: If we also want to include who the suggestion is being made to, we can follow the noun object with to + person. Students often make the mistake of putting to + person directly after the verb, but while this is possible in other languages, it is incorrect (or at least very awkward!) in English for recommend and suggest. For advise, see the next section.

  • He recommended the restaurant down the street to us. (correct)
  • He recommended to us the restaurant down the street. (incorrect)
  • He suggested the restaurant down the street to his neighbor. (correct)
  • He suggested to his neighbor the restaurant down the street. (incorrect)
2. Followed by a pronoun

Pattern:advise + pronoun
  • The manager advised us on the new protocols.
  • His counselor will advise him to start applying to the local colleges.

Note: Unlike recommend and suggest, advise can also be followed by a noun that refers to the person getting the advice. Also, to + pronoun and to + person at the end of the sentence with advise is possible in some cases, but it can sound a bit awkward and is best avoided or reworded.

  • The manager advised us on the protocols. (correct)
  • The manager advised the employees on the protocols. (correct)
  • The doctor advised exercise to her patient. (possible, but not as common)
  • The doctor advised exercise to us. (possible, but not as common)
3. Followed by a gerund

Pattern:recommend/suggest/advise + gerund
  • The concierge recommends taking a guided tour of the island.
  • She suggested shopping at farmers markets instead of grocery stores.
  • Health experts don't advise swimming right after eating.

Note: Point out to students that the Noun + Infinitive rule overrides the gerund rule in almost all cases. Though advise is followed by a gerund (e.g., My teacher advised studying), we must use an infinitive if we include a noun/pronoun object in the sentence (e.g., My teacher advised us to study). For more information and examples, see Gerunds and Infinitives: Helpful Teaching Tips.
4. Followed by a noun clause (the subjunctive mood)

Pattern:verb of suggestion + that + subject + base verb
  • My friend recommended that he take a taxi home from the party.
  • The sales clerk suggested that she put the dress on hold.
  • She is advising that we finish our project today.

在原来诊所工作的时候,有时需要到手术室帮忙。大概20分钟的车程。那个surgeon手术后要回诊所看病人。我们technician就看情况了。时间早就会诊所再干一会儿,晚了就直接回家了。所以手术结束后医生总会问一句你回不回诊所。如果是我可能就会问are you going back...但是几年当中那个医生从来都是说are you heading back?

前一段时间有事要去美国,回来因故未能成行。一个同事问我要去哪,也是用where were you heading?


另外一个head用法,形容一个某一个动作(具体请自行google)一般说法是:Give me head,girl :sneaky:
I feel watching, or, if you don't have time to sit down and watch, listening, to the youtube, is always a good idea to learn English. On one hand, you can learn the most NATIVE English, because, speaking English like a native speaker is always the greatest challenge for us. On the other hand, you can get yourself familiar with the trending topics and latest news, so that you are not afraid of striking up a conversation with your colleagues.

The following is one of the many youtube channels that I subscribed to. Highly recommend.

最后编辑: 2019-12-03




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