
回复: 管理笔记

The peaks of the mountain, as anyone who has experience in Xiao Wutaishan knows, are really dangerous: there is no real road, sometimes you really need to move with not only feet but also hands to continue, with >2000m falaises on both sides. Some statistics show that >20 people died when hiking there.
Another fact was, with the long distance and various routes the team members took, we didn't have the time for team gathering and lunch once at summit.
回复: 管理笔记

My ex cried to me once or twice. As I didn't bother to consolate her, she was having tears all time. I was not far from her, only few meters ahead, my French friend was just behind her. Then suddenly I heard her scream and didn't have the time to turn my head back but only with her falling voice knew she missed one step and DROPPED. My heart sunk immediately as I knew what that means. But I heard half of second after a cry from my French friend, who jumped to save her.
回复: 管理笔记

Fortunately, both were safe as there was a natural platform 10m below and both of them falled onto it. No injury to nobody. I was really really lucky, as any place else, that would have been a 100% guaranted death for both, and I'd carry the self blame all my life.
Having taken them back on the top, taking a long rest for her, I was shocked during a long time. It was my fault obviously. But would I have the courage to jump to try to save her at that critical moment, risking my life, as my French buddy did? Am I ready to sacrify myself for others? Am I too selfish? When did I start to adore Nietzsche, and thinking only force counts in this world? If it is the case, why the hell I need a girlfriend?
回复: 管理笔记

The descente was long too, we finally arrived at one village at 3am next morning. We marched long time in the darkness and she was tired and continued to cry.
When we were back home next morning, we had sex, and never saw each other again.
Yes, that's what we are.
回复: 管理笔记

Hi, buddy, I don't see anything about management here. It is a series of 心情故事 much more than the management journal.

I won't be rude, but if you can concentrate on your business and show us how you organize your affair. That will be more interesting....

Mademoiselle, suce!

Mon patron est venu me voir des Etats Unis recemment. Je suis alle le chercher. Lorsqu'on n'etait pas loin de notre site, je lui ai dit dans la voiture:" L'ancienne receptioniste travaille dans le traitement des commandes maintenant, histoire de nouvelle orientation, elle est motivee et elle sait faire. On a une temporaire pour la reception maintenant." Il m'a demande: " Il doit y avoir certaine raison que tu me racontes cela?" Je cedais:"Elle a 24 ans, tres attractive pour certains employes masculins (c'est vrai que c'est une canon...et, ce que je n'ai pas dit, elle est aussi mon assistante), MAIS ce n'est pas moi qui l'a recruitee." Mon patron a vite reagi:" Mais tu ne l'a pas stoppe non plus?"
Apres qu'on soit tous entres dans la salle de reunion, je voyais mon chef sourire.
回复: 管理笔记

I was in deep love with a beijing girl when i was working in shanghai. My boss knew it and he was kind to me, trying to give me missions every week in beijing that way i can come to beijing work and spend weekend there. I remember once after a late flight and long queue before taxi, i was impatient, and sent to her a sms: honey, why the road to happiness is so long?


为了感谢我的经理和销售们,昨天去St Catherine买了些书,电子书的消费卡,每人一张100块的Atmosphere的消费卡,另外给一个喜欢古典音乐的top sales买了一个160G的Ipod Classic,把我130多G的音乐全灌了进去,包括近30个版本的贝多芬9大交响曲全集送给他。
回复: 管理笔记



想做得比他好,我还要继续刻苦努力。我想要证明,在全世界39个分公司总经理中,我这个最年轻的General Manager也是唯一的中国人,做得比其他国家都好。
回复: 管理笔记

早上和董事长的儿子吃饭,含着金钥匙出生的他虽然比我只大两岁可已经差不多是法国这个年龄段最富有的人之一了。富几代平时工作还是很卖力,对人也非常真诚,吃完饭一直把我送到门外等门卫把我车开来虽然他冷的要死没穿外套。在Montreal HEC读过书的他,向我推荐娶个魁妞做老婆。我说我忙着给你赚钱了哪里有时间去泡妞。
他对中国还是很有想法的。我间接向他表示中国有我在,肯定能发展的更好。Can't wait to get out of this Canada shit.




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