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回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

  NPC deputy seeks advice from netizens on micro blog
  A deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC) is asking netizens to post their advices on his micro blog for his proposals for the annual full session of the NPC, China Youth Daily reported.
  文中提到的就是时下最时髦的“微博问政”,也就是seek advice from netizens on micro blog(通过微博征集民意),或者post their advices on his micro blog(网友通过微博表达自己的意见建议)。“微博问政”已经成为今年两会的热点。
  微博指的就是micro blog,网友也习惯称其“围脖”。在微博上发贴就可以说成是micro-blogging。此外,photo blog(图片博客)、video blog(视频博客)、以及podcast(播客)也成为新媒体的代表。


回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

  depend [de-下,pend悬挂;’挂在他物下面”→依附于另一物体”] 依靠,依赖
  dependent [见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 依靠的,依赖的,不独立的,从属的
  dependence [见上,-ence名词后缀] 依靠,依赖
  dependency [见上,-ency名词后缀] 依赖,从属,属地,属国
  dependable [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 可依赖的,可依靠的
  independent [in-不,depend依靠,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 独立的,自主的
  independence [见上,ence名词后缀,表示行为,情况] 独立,自主
  independency [见上,-ency=-ence] 独立,独立国
  interdepend [inter-相互,depend依赖] 互相依赖
  interdependence [见上,-ence名词后缀] 互相依赖
  interdependent [见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 互相依赖的
  pending [pend悬挂,ing形容词后缀,…的] 悬而未决的
  pendent [pend悬挂,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 悬空的,下垂的,悬而未决的;[-ent表示物] 悬垂物
  suspend [sus=sub下,pend悬,吊,挂,’挂起来”] 挂,悬,中止,暂停
  suspension [见上,-ion名词后缀,表示行为,情况] 悬挂,悬而不决,中止,暂停
  suspensive [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 可悬挂的,可吊的
  append [ap-表示to,pend悬挂] 挂上,附加
  appendage [见上,-age名词后缀,表示物] 附加物,附属物
  impend [im-加强意义,pend悬挂] 悬挂;[悬在上面→悬在头上→事到临头] 即将发生,即将来临,逼近
  impending [ 见上,-ing形容词后缀,…的] 即将来临的,迫近的
  impendent [见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 悬挂的,即将发生的,逼近的
  dispense [dis-分散,pens称量;’分开称量物品的份量,进行分配”] 分配,分发,配发
  dispensary [见上, -ary表示场所,地点;’分配药品的地方”] 药房,配药处
  dispensation [见上,-ation名词后缀] 分配,分给,分配物
  dispenser [见上,-er表示人] 分配者,施与者,配药者,药剂师’[-er表示物] 分配器,配出器,自动售货机
  pensive [pen称量→衡量,权衡→思考,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 沉思的
  perpend [per-完全,十分,彻底,pend称量→衡量;’仔细称量”→仔细衡量”] 细思,思考,考虑
  ponder [pond→pend称量,-er动词后缀;称量→衡量,权衡→思量,思考] 深思,考虑,估量,衡量
  ponderable [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 可衡量的,可估量的
  (c) pend,pens=pay付钱,支出,花费
  expend [ex-出,pend付钱;’把钱付出”] 花费,消费,用款
  expenditure [见上,-ture=-ure表示行为或行为的结果] 支出,消费,花费
  expendable [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 可消费的
  expense [ex-出,pens付钱] 支出,花费,消费
  expensive [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 花费的,花钱多的,昂贵的
  spend [s-为ex-或dis-的缩形,pend花费] 花钱,花费,消耗(时间)
  pension [pens付钱,-ion名词后缀,表示物;每年’付出的钱”] 年金,养老金,退休金
  pensioner [见上,-er者]领取养老金者


回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

  Officials in Guangzhou will have to pay when they want to use their government cars for private purposes later this year.
  文中的use government cars for private purposes就是指“公车私用”,也可以用private use of government vehicles来表示。Government vehicles/official cars就是指“公车”,是指由政府财政为各级党政机关及事业单位工作人员执行公务需要所配备的车辆。此外,广州市还将对公车配备Global Positioning Systems (GPS) devices(GPS跟踪系统)。
  当地官员需要pay for the use of official cars(有偿使用公车),这一政策不但能够reduce government spending(减少政府开支),同时还能ease traffic congestion(缓解交通拥堵)。


回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

  1. Have at you!
  如果外国夫妇请你到家里吃饭,看着一桌丰盛的酒席,你问他们可以开始吃了吗,他们通常会说“Sure. Have at it.”(当然,吃吧)。当两个小孩子在相互追逐玩乐,互相打斗的时候,一个通常会主动碰了一下另一个,然后说“哈哈,打到你了!”,翻译过来就是“Have at you!”
  2. Good night, sleep tight.
  这句话大家可能都认识,但是如果我说“Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.”可能你就不太明白了。这句话通常都是家长对自己的小孩子说的话,其起源众说纷纭。不过这有点像儿时的童谣,很押韵,像:Good night, sleep tight/ Wake up bright/ In the morning light/ To do what's right/ With all your might.之类的。
  3. She is a has-been.
  有一次我在酒吧里谈论Britney Spears的时候,我朋友Tomas就说: “Well, Britney Spears is a has-been, Lady Gaga is hot nowadays.”(布兰妮早就过气了,Lady Gaga现在很火。),不过,我回了他一句“Well, it's better to be a has-been than a never-was.”(昙花一现也比默默无闻强啊!),他也不得不点头认可。
  这就是口语。恰当的用好简单词也能出奇制胜。像Something is off-key.(这事儿有些不对头/蹊跷。)、Mr.Know-it-all is humbled.(你这个“万事通”这回可砸牌子啦!)、Don't be such a goody-goody.(不要跟个老好人似的谁也不得罪。)等等。
  4. Mud in your eyes.
  我们在敬酒的时候都知道用“Bottoms up!”、“Cheers!”、“Here's a toast to you!”,其实还有一句就是“Here's mud in your eyes!”。这句话通常是在幽默轻松的环境来用的,多表示“祝你好运”。
  其实西方还有一句谚语和饮酒有关,那就是:Beer before liquor, you'll never be sicker; but liquor before beer and you are in the clear。字面翻译就是“喝完啤酒再喝白酒你就不会清醒,不过喝完白酒再喝啤酒你仍旧清醒”。从我个人的经验来看,I second that(我赞成这句话)。这句话也可以翻译成“由浅入深难,由深入浅易”或“由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难”。
  5. Do you respect me in the morning?
  这是我许多年前在三里屯酒吧和一个外国友人一边喝酒一边shoot the breeze(神侃)的时候他教给我的,至今我没用出去过,不过在电影里倒是遇到过几次。这种情况多发生在party或bar里,当一个男孩和一个女孩彼此hit it off(聊得来),到了最后,男孩子如果鼓足了勇气ask the girl to come to his house,这个女孩通常会问到这句话。因为她不希望是one night stand(一夜情)。这句话可以这样理解,就是:“你是认真的吗?”


回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

  mircrophone [micro¬-微小,phon声音;’把微小声音放大的仪器”] 扩音器,麦克风,话筒
  telephone [tele远,phon声音;’由远处(通过电波)传来的声音”] 电话
  phone [telephone的缩略形式] 电话
  videophone [video电视,phone电话] 电视电话
  otophone [oto耳,phon声音] 助听器
  symphony [sym-共同→互相, phone声音,音响,-y名词后缀,表示事物] 交响乐
  symphonic [见上,-ic形容词后缀,…的] 交响乐的
  phonetic [phon声音→语音,-etic形容词后缀,…的] 语音的
  phonetics [见上,-ics,…学] 语音学
  phonetist [见上,-ist表示人] 语音学家
  electrophone [electro电,phon声音] 电子乐器
  stereophone [stereo立体,phon声音] 立体音响
  gramophone [gram写→记录,-o-,phon声音;’记录声音”的仪器] 留声机
  phonology [phon音→音韵,-o-,logy,…学] 音韵学
  euphonious [eu-优美,好,phon音,-ious形容词后缀,…的] 声音好听的
  cacophonous [caco恶,phon音,-ous形容词后缀,…的] 音调不和谐的
  phonic [phon声音,-ic形容词后缀,…的] 声音的,语音的
  phonics [phon声音,-ics…学] 声学
  aphonia [a-无,phon声音,-ia名词后缀] 失音(症)
  dysphonia [dys困难,phon声音→发音] 发音困难
  polyphone [poly-多,phon声音] 多音字母,多音符号
  megaphone [mega大,’把声音扩大”的仪器] 扩音器,喇叭筒


回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

  compete [com-共同,pet追求;’共同追求”] 竞争,角逐,比赛
  competition [见上,-ition名词后缀,表示行为] 竞争,角逐,比赛
  competitive [见上,-itive形容词后缀,…的] 竞争的,比赛的
  competitor [见上,-itor表示人] 竞争者,比赛者
  appetite [ap-表示to向,pet追求→渴求,渴望] 欲望,食欲
  appetence [见上,-ence表示情况] 强烈的欲望,渴望
  appetent [见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 渴望的有欲望的
  appetizing [见上,-iz(e)+ing…的] 促进食欲的,开胃的
  petition [pet追求→请求,寻求,-ition表示行为] 申请,请求,请愿,请愿书
  petitionary [见上,-ary形容词后缀,…的] 请求的,申请的,请愿的
  petitioner [见上,-er者] 请求者,请愿者
  centripetal [centre中心,-i-,pet追求→趋向,-al形容词后缀,…的;’趋向中心的”] 向心的


回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

  我买了。 I’ll take it.
  总共多少钱? How much is it all together?
  给你,这是100块钱。Here you are $100.
  这包括税吗? Is it include tax?
  我可以用支票支付吗? Can I pay by check?
  我没有零钱。 I don’t have small change.
  我的现金不够。 I don’t have enough cash.
  我会用分期付款分20个月付清。 I'll pay the money in 20 monthly installments.
  你多收我钱了。 You over charged me.
  你多找钱给我了。 You gave me too much change.
  请给我开张收据。 Please give me a receipt.
  能不能给我开张发票? Can you make out an invoice for me?
  A:Are you still interested in anything else, madam?
  B:No, I’d like to pay now. How much is the bill?
  A:It’s $103 in total.
  B:You over charged me. Where it is the extra $3 come from?
  A:Oh, it’s a charge for therap.
  B:Oh,right. Well, I don’t have enough cash here. Can you charge the rest to my credit card?
  B:Here you are,$100. And here is my credit card.
  A:please wait a moment, and input your pin number, please.
  B:I don’t have a pin number.
  A:And just press enter.
  A:please sign here.
  B:All right. Could you make out an invoice for me?
  A:No problem.


回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

形容一个人丰满,一定要用plump,你知道,美国人基本上都是大胖子,当你到一个美国人非常肥胖的时候,记住千万不要说fat这个词,因为这是个污辱性极强的一个单词。还有一个比fat还要恶劣的单词lard ass其中的lard表示猪油,而ass表示屁股,这个词表示“肥猪”的意思。因此当看一个人很胖的时候,你最好不要形容他胖,比如对男的,你可以说strong,当然还有一个更好的表达put some hair on your chest(在你的胸口上放点毛,西方女性喜欢的类型)粗壮的男子汉
   形容一个人瘦thin“瘦弱的”形容一个苗条用slender“苗条的”。其同义词slim除了“苗条的”意思外,还有“薄的”意思。还有一个单词lean作形容词“瘦的,无脂肪的”,如lean meat瘦肉,作动词“倾靠”,lean=learn(学习)- r(拼音,人)一个学习非常刻苦的人,学啊学,学啊学,最后都学到没有人样了,太瘦了,一阵风吹来,他就只能倾靠在墙上了lean against the wall。形容一个人瘦的最好的表达是as fit as a fiddle身体健康(尤其形容女性体形非常好)。


回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

Requiring employees to smile at customers may backfire because US researchers say fake smiling worsens mood and affects productivity.
    Brent Scott, assistant professor of management at Michigan State University, and former MSU doctoral student Christopher Barnes, studied a group of city bus drivers during a two-week period. They examined the effects of fake smiling and deep acting, or cultivating positive emotions by recalling pleasant memories.
    密歇根大学的管理学副教授布伦特 斯科特和前明尼苏达大学博士生克里斯托弗 巴恩斯对一组城市公交司机进行了为期两周的研究,以检验强颜欢笑,真诚微笑,和回忆快乐往昔、培养积极情绪这几种情绪处理方式的效果。
    "Employers may think that simply getting their employees to smile is good for the organization, but that's not necessarily the case," Scott says in a statement. "Smiling for the sake of smiling can lead to emotional exhaustion and withdrawal, and that's bad for the organization."
    The researchers found the findings were stronger for the female bus drivers.
    "Women were harmed more by surface acting, meaning their mood worsened even more than the men and they withdrew more from work," Scott says. "But they were helped more by deep acting, meaning their mood improved more and they withdrew less."
    Deep acting may help improve mood in the short-term, but Scott says it has been suggested that if people do this over a long period they start to feel inauthentic.
    The findings are published in the Academy of Management Journal.


回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

  vt. 使习惯
  动词过去式: accustomed 动词过去分词: accustomed
  动词现在分词: accustoming 动词第三人称单数: accustoms
  familiarize vt. 使熟悉 acclimate v. 使习惯于新环境
  get used to 习惯于 addict vt.沉溺, 使 ......
  condition n.条件, 情况 ; v... get to know 增进(彼此间的)了解
  acclimatize v. 使 ... 适应新... become accustomed to vt. 习惯于
  adjust v.调整, 校准, 调节... adapt vt.改编, 使适应
  accustom oneself to 使自己习惯于 ; 养成 ... accustom to vt. 习惯于(养成 ....
  accustom to climate 气候适应
  动词 accustom :
  1. make psychologically or physically used (to something)
  同义词: habituate
  1.You must accustom yourself to getting up early.
  2.He had to accustom himself to the cold weather.
  3.He soon gets accustom to dormitory life and make two or three friend.


回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

The beautiful and dolorous memory那些美好而忧伤的记忆!
  First love,forever love 曾有一个人,爱我如生命!
  No matter what happens, I 'll always be there for you!不管发生什么,我永远都会在你的身边!
  In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake.
  After the unforgettably initial shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what, I'll always be there for you!" And tears began to fill his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins that once was the school, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his commitment to his son.
  He began to direct his attention towards where he walked his son to class at school each morning. Remembering his son's classroom would be in the back right corner of the building, he rushed there and started digging through the ruins.
  As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, clutching their hearts, saying: "My son!" "My daughter!" Other well-meaning parents tried to pull him off what was left of the school, saying: "It's too late! They're all dead! You can't help! Go home! Come on, face reality, there's nothing you can do!"
  To each parent he responded with one line: "Are you going to help me now?" And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone. The fire chief showed up and tried to pull him off the school's ruins saying, "Fires are breaking out, explosions are happening everywhere. You're in danger. We'll take care of it. Go home." To which this loving, caring American father asked, "Are you going to help me now?"
  The police came and said, "You're angry, anxious and it's over. You're endangering others. Go home. We'll handle it!" To which he replied, "Are you going to help me now?" No one helped.
  Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know for himself: "Is my boy alive or is he dead?" He dug for eight hours...12 hours...24 hours...36 hours...then, in the 38th hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his son's voice. He screamed his son's name, "ARMAND!" He heard back, "Dad!?! It's me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive, you'd save me and when you saved me, they'd be saved. You promised, No matter what happens, you'll always be there for you! You did it, Dad!" "What's going on in there? How is it?" the father asked.
  "There are 14 of us left out of 33, Dad. We're scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful you're here. When the building collapsed, it made a triangle, and it saved us."
  "Come out, boy!"
  "No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, cause I know you'll get me! No matter what happens, I know you'll always be there for me!"


回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

今天我们要学的词是prime time。 Prime time, 是黄金时段的意思。 "A prime time soap opera," 指黄金时段的肥皂剧。"A prime time news anchor," 是黄金时段的新闻主播。"The interview will be broadcast during prime time," 采访定在黄金时段播出。"Reality shows are replacing comedies in prime time," 真人秀正日益取代黄金时段的搞笑片。"A CBS prime time Democratic debate was canceled," 美国哥伦比亚广播公司安排在黄金时段的一次民主党候选人辩论会被取消了。好的,今天我们学习的词是prime time...
回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

   home-made product自制的产品
   home computer家用电脑
   home cooking家常菜
   例:Are these cars made for the home market of for export? 这些汽车是为了国内市场消费还是出口呢?
   homesickness“思乡病”,其形容词为homesick“思乡病”,例:He was homesick for China.他非常思念中国
回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

think outside the box 跳出固定思维/创新思维
  When you're asked to think outside the box, you should think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective. This phrase often refers to novel, creative and smart thinking. Think outside the box,顾名思义为“在盒子外面进行思考”。
  追根溯源,这个短语来自于一个游戏(nine dots puzzle),在一个正方形内平均分配的9个点,需要一个直线把它们都连起来如果思考只限制于在正方形内,就无法做到。Think outside the box由此用来形容“新颖的,充满创意的,富有智慧的构想”。
  1. You won't come up with good ideas until you think outside the box. 除非你跳出固定思维,否则你不会想出好点子来的。
  2. We should think outside the box to solve the problem. 我们应该用创意思维来解决这个问题。
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let the cat out of the bag
  1. I bought a nice wrist(n.手腕) watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday. But I'm afraid I let the cat out of the bag--I hid it under my socks and she found it when she was putting my clean clothes away.
  2. It was supposed to be a secret that we were firing(v.解雇) him. But one of the secretaries saw the memo and let the cat out of the bag by telling her friends.
回复: 好文共欣赏(内容很多,非常实用)

  picture [pict绘,-ure名词后缀] 绘画,图画,画像;图片
  picturesque [见上,-esque形容词后缀,如…的] 如画的
  pictograph [pict绘→图形,-o-,graph写→文字] 象形文字
  pictographic [见上,-ic形容词后缀,…的] 象形文字的
  depict [de-加强意义,pict绘] 描绘,描述
  depicture [见上] 描绘,描述
  pictorial [pict画,-or,-ial形容词后缀,…的] 绘画的,图片的;[转为名词] 画报
  pictorialize [见上,-ize动词后缀] 用图画表示
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  Thehusbeenis the insignificant other, the husband that has given up all sense of individuality and independence to keep his wife happy.Husbeen(暂译为“过气老公”)指在家中没有地位,放弃全部个性和独立地位来取悦妻子的丈夫。
  The husbeen is the man for whom those wedding bells have well and truly tolled, a man who mistook his independence for handing in all of his individuality.对这些丈夫来说,婚礼的钟声曾经清晰地敲响过,他们只是误以为独立就是将全部个人意志拱手相让。
  For example:
  We know who wears the pants in that relationship, John is such a husbeen.我们都知道那段关系中谁说了算,约翰真的是个“过气老公”。
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植树节Arbor Day / Planting Trees Day
  植树节(Arbor Day) -3月12日
  植树日Tree-planting date
  You may have heard of Arbor Day at school.
  Arbor Day is one day in the year that prevents deforestation, celebrates trees and promotes planting.
  In different countries, Planting Trees Days are on different days.
  Like in India, Planting Trees Day is on July 1.
  In China, Arbor Day is on March 12.
  Spring is the prime time for planting trees
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今天我们要学的词是box office。 Box office, 是票房的意思。成龙和李连杰首度联袂出演的武打片《功夫之王》在北美上映第一个周末,票房高居榜首, "The Forbidden Kingdom topped the U.S. box office on its opening weekend." 路透社说,"Jackie Chan and Jet Li have conquered the North American box office," 成龙和李连杰征服了北美票房。纽约时报说,"The Forbidden Kingdom showed box office muscle<" 《功夫之王》展现了票房实力。娱乐周刊说,"The Forbidden Kingdom ruled the box office this weekend," 《功夫之王》控制了票房。好的,今天我们学习的词是box office...
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  1. Her parents wanted nothing more than to marry her off to a doctor.
  2. Because of her beauty she has managed to marry above her.
  3. He married beneath himself, but he is happy.
  4. Sally wanted some time to consider Sam's proposal of marriage; she had heard the saying, "Marry in haste, and repent at leisure."
  5. She was able to marry her way out of poverty.
  6. She tried everthing to marry into money.
  7. Many girls want to marry into the purple.
  8. He wishes one day he could marry a fortune that can help him in the career.
  9. They are going to have shotgun marriage next week.
  10. Cyber love, one-night stand, speed dating and flash marriage have been common in big cities.




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