回复: 我只是个技师,我们谈谈Furnace,AC,DHWT
CASE 7加湿器: 加湿器技术要求高,不小心漏了,给客户造成的损失很大,如果是FINISIED地下室.高湿度,低湿度都有各自的危害.而一个房屋内最大的湿气来源是人体和动物的呼吸,加上皮肤散发的汗气.一个四口之家每周通过呼吸大概排放出38升的水.远远大于做饭和洗澡.
加湿器在冬天是必须的.除湿器在老房子的地下室也是必须的.CMHC推荐的湿度是30%-50%.50%的时候是各种细菌,真菌,霉,苔鲜生长最缓慢的区间.如果大了.High humidity levels can also cause problems with the structural integrity of the house or its components. Condensation can lead to the rotting of wooden parts of windows, corrosion of metal components, deterioration of drywall, paintedsurfaces, and structural components (such as studs, beams, and joists). Many problems related to high humidity are unseen, as they occur within the building envelope itself.