回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY羽扇纶巾谈笑风生 9月11日 扩兵备战中
tHere is the reply I just gave to an MI 1 applicant who said that he did not want to join my group for that very reason but, rather, wanted me to create a new MI 1 group.
[FONT=arial,sans-serif]My litigation, initiated on 28 October 2011, included both pre-Bill C-50 and MI 1 litigants. CIC has agreed to finalized the MI 1 litigants, like the assessed 35 pre-Bill C-50 litigants, within six months of their taking their medicals and doing whatever up-dating is required.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,sans-serif]We are now awaiting disposition of my motion, asking the Court to enforce the Agreement for all the litigants(我们正在等待动议的通过与否,动议是请求法院做主迫使移民部遵守以前订立的协议----协议就是说,前面的判决对所有参加诉讼的都适用), and, if my motion is successful, CIC's request that those who joined after June 14th, not be included in that settlement. If we win on both issues and you are a part of our group, you will get what you want. If, however, the Court does not order your file be processed, the remaining cases will be divided into three groups; viz., [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,sans-serif]1. files not closed,[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,sans-serif]2. pre-Bill C-50 files never assessed and[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,sans-serif]3. pre-Bill C-50 files assessed after March 28th.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,sans-serif]At this point, we have about a dozen in the first group. You would be the only MI 1 but the arguments would be the same for you. I would be inclined to separate your case, but the Court might decide to keep the unclosed files in one group because the Liang andGurung decisions are to the same effect. (Gurung is for the MI 1 litigants.)[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,sans-serif]Until we have a ruling on the motion, there is no need to separate the litigants into the categories, and, if we succeed, there never will be. Yesterday at 3:15pm, I was served with CIC written arguments, which I have not yet read. I expect to reply on Thursday or Friday, after which we wait for the Court to rule on the motion. Once it has, our initial group will be closed and futher litigants will fall into one of the three categories I just delineated.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,sans-serif]Hope that I've explained the situation clearly. I know that its very confusing.[/FONT]