家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版

CIC退费不是遭作废者的末日 鹿死谁手尚未分明

回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY胸中自有百万兵 9月9日 战前总动员


最后编辑: 2012-09-09
回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY胸中自有百万兵 9月9日 战前总动员

回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY胸中自有百万兵 9月9日 战前总动员

Mr. Speaker, when this government came to office in 2006, after 13 years of Liberal neglect and incompetence with respect to our immigration system, we inherited 840,000 people waiting in the Liberal immigration backlog for decisions for up toseven or eight years. That member
belonged to the government that allowed seven and eight year wait times to develop.

Thanks to the action we have taken, consistently opposed by the Liberal Party, we have managed to cut the skilled worker backlog in half. Now we are going to a just-in-time immigration system that will accept newcomers within months rather than years. We are cleaning up the Liberals' mess.
最后编辑: 2012-09-09
回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY胸中自有百万兵 9月9日 战前总动员

[FONT=宋体]老僧点评: 梁中心(加拿大移民部部长副手)∶[/FONT]28[FONT=宋体]万技术移民一刀切[/FONT][FONT=宋体]政府不走回头路[/FONT]




















[FONT=宋体]《圣经》旧约[/FONT][FONT=宋体]诗篇[/FONT][FONT=宋体]第[/FONT]9[FONT=宋体]章[/FONT][FONT=宋体]第[/FONT]18[FONT=宋体]节 [/FONT][FONT=宋体]第[/FONT]10[FONT=宋体]篇第[/FONT]2[FONT=宋体]节:[/FONT]
回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY胸中自有百万兵 9月9日 战前总动员

 tim律师解释c--38 与 他经常说的s87.4 的关系是前者大,后者是包含其中的,后者是针对我们一刀切的,从此后,移民部权利比加国总理还威风,一旦正式实施,我们等于秋风中的落叶。以下是原文,自己领会吧:
Bill C-38 was the budget bill in which many other statutory provisions were inserted in order to avoid any scrutiny or debate over them because, in the English parliamentary system, if the government's budget is defeated in the House, the government falls and elections must be called. With a majority in Parliament, the Government was guaranteed passage of Bill C-38. So BIll C-38 is merely the instrument through which the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) was amended to include s. 87.4, which provision closes the files and denies the victims the right to take the matter to court. Here is the link to IRPA: http://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/I-2.5/FullText.html
  If you go to section 87.4, you will find that 87.4(1) closes the files and 87.4(5) denies the right to raise the matter in court. The preceding section, 87.3, is what Kenney tucked into a previous budget bill, Bill C-50, in order to give him the power to discriminate against applicants (and effectively warehouse your files). In my view 87.3(2) and 87.3(7) are unconstitutional because 87.3(2) delegates to the Government the power of Parliament and 87.3(7) crowns the Minister du jour as the Tsar of Immigration.
回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY胸中自有百万兵 9月9日 战前总动员

回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY胸中自有百万兵 9月9日 战前总动员

李希(Tim leahy)律师说:
若是大法官不通过动议,这个动议是包括所有人的(所有参加李希律师诉讼的已立案的人,动议目的是要求这些人分享梁东和其他35人的判决结果), 那么剩下的案例就分成两类,一类参加集体诉讼(已经ME的和案子没死关上的),一类单独处理(指已经打分,不在一刀切范围内的),咨询的人,为了让律师或者助理迅速掌握本人情况,应说明自己的案子到了哪一步,才能得到精确回答。若是大法官同意了李希的动议,就是所有参加李希诉讼的,都受益,享有同样判决结果,李希与移民部的协议就是这么签署的,可是移民部在通过c-38后就不认了,所以才有李希的动议,就是让大法官做主,判判移民部该不该还遵守这个协议)

"If the judge does not grant the motion and include everyone, the other cases will continue either as part of the so-called class-action or, if their files were not closed or HK told them to take medicals, as a separate group". In order to get an exact answer, the caller would have to have given his/her facts.

As for why are we waiting for the judge to rule, the answer is easy: the judge is the boss. I cannot tell him when to rule or how to rule. We just wait.
回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY胸中自有百万兵 9月9日 战前总动员

 If we continue to increase our numbers and the judge takes my second option -- setting the cases down for hearings -- it would increase CIC's workload because the first step is to make complete copies of the file, and for Mr. Liang(梁中心), it as about 7 cm thick(李希告移民部的卷宗7厘米厚). They then have to courier a copy to the Court, to me and to DoJ. They might just decide that it is easier to settle.
As poetic justice, I have asked the Court to use this provision to compel the Minister to process our litigants court cases; i.e., it would be more efficient to process the files than to have to litigate 1,250 court cases. So, the more people who join our group, the more the efficiency argument makes sense.
回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY胸中自有百万兵 9月9日 战前总动员

回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY胸中自有百万兵 9月9日 战前总动员

回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY羽扇纶巾谈笑风生 9月11日 扩兵备战中

The more applicants who are willing to take a stand against what they feel is legally wrong sends a stronger message to the Canadian government.”
回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY羽扇纶巾谈笑风生 9月11日 扩兵备战中

回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY羽扇纶巾谈笑风生 9月11日 扩兵备战中

有人昨天问Tim,“我刚刚汇款,什么时候立案?"'Tim说,下周一,汇总了去。qq上聊天了解到的。刚才又收到这位TX的短信,说跟tim 联系上了,他要求TIM在动议通过前加上他。tim没有说不可能。我这里今天意外地没有tim的消息,按说,他劳模一样勤快,一定会回复,可是真的没有。估计我那些提问他真忙得顾不上回答了。
回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY羽扇纶巾谈笑风生 9月11日 扩兵备战中

“As a result of litigation, some applicants have already been advised that their application will not be terminated. (诉讼的结果是,一些申请人的申请不被终结,继续审理)This would likely not have been possible at this time had these individuals not joined the proceedings(这个结果若不是这些个人靠诉讼争取就不可能得到),” said Bellissimo Law Group in a statement. “Again, this proceeding is a unique event in the history of Canadian immigration.(这个事件的法律诉讼过程在加拿大移民史上前所未有,前无古人) As such, there is no precedent to judge the potential success of our actions. T(因此,从无判决先例,也无法预知可能的诉讼的成功)the ultimate decision is up to the courts(最终决定权在法院). That being said, we have already secured a 90-day stay on the return of applications and government processing fees(我们这些申请人的律师已经力挽狂澜,让移民部延迟90天动手一刀切退费作废申请), which is a good initial sign(这90天的延迟成功得到了,这是一个好开端). A better picture of our chances for success will come about as we progress further in the litigation process.”(在即将到来的诉讼进程中,我们成功的机会将随着到来)
回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY羽扇纶巾谈笑风生 9月11日 扩兵备战中

回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY羽扇纶巾谈笑风生 9月11日 扩兵备战中

tHere is the reply I just gave to an MI 1 applicant who said that he did not want to join my group for that very reason but, rather, wanted me to create a new MI 1 group.

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]My litigation, initiated on 28 October 2011, included both pre-Bill C-50 and MI 1 litigants. CIC has agreed to finalized the MI 1 litigants, like the assessed 35 pre-Bill C-50 litigants, within six months of their taking their medicals and doing whatever up-dating is required.[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]We are now awaiting disposition of my motion, asking the Court to enforce the Agreement for all the litigants(我们正在等待动议的通过与否,动议是请求法院做主迫使移民部遵守以前订立的协议----协议就是说,前面的判决对所有参加诉讼的都适用), and, if my motion is successful, CIC's request that those who joined after June 14th, not be included in that settlement. If we win on both issues and you are a part of our group, you will get what you want. If, however, the Court does not order your file be processed, the remaining cases will be divided into three groups; viz., [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,sans-serif]1. files not closed,[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,sans-serif]2. pre-Bill C-50 files never assessed and[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,sans-serif]3. pre-Bill C-50 files assessed after March 28th.[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]At this point, we have about a dozen in the first group. You would be the only MI 1 but the arguments would be the same for you. I would be inclined to separate your case, but the Court might decide to keep the unclosed files in one group because the Liang andGurung decisions are to the same effect. (Gurung is for the MI 1 litigants.)[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]Until we have a ruling on the motion, there is no need to separate the litigants into the categories, and, if we succeed, there never will be. Yesterday at 3:15pm, I was served with CIC written arguments, which I have not yet read. I expect to reply on Thursday or Friday, after which we wait for the Court to rule on the motion. Once it has, our initial group will be closed and futher litigants will fall into one of the three categories I just delineated.[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]Hope that I've explained the situation clearly. I know that its very confusing.[/FONT]
回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY羽扇纶巾谈笑风生 9月12日 布局中


On the 18th, the motion seeking to enjoin CIC from acting on 87.4 will be heard in Ottawa. Because the status of our group has not been decided, I notified the Court early on that I would not be participating for that reason. Therefore, I will be to going to Ottawa for the full-day hearing. One of two results will ensure: the Court will either accept applicants' counsels' position that CIC should be barred from issuing refund cheeques and trashing files for all the impacted files or only for the litigants' files, the position CIC has taken. If it applies to everyone, there is no need for me to bother making a separate motion. If it applies only to the litigants, I can rely on the ruling to obtain the same ruling for our group if our motion, seeking to enforce the Agreement, is rejected.

I am currently writing the reply to their motion. I hope to finish it today and file it tomorrow. When I have, I will notify everyone.
回复: 大律师TIM LEAHY运筹帷幄 9月13日 《夺刀战》大幕即将拉开





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