
支持m103的坚决不能选, 送走了老虎又来了狼。

Andrew Scheer 这段话说的挺有道理http://www.andrewscheer.com/against_m_103

Against M-103
M-103, the anti-Islamophobia motion currently before the House of Commons entitled “Systemic racism and religious discrimination", will come to a vote soon. After reading and considering the text of the motion, I will be voting against it.

As someone whose faith is integral to my life, I am grateful for and believe very strongly in the religious freedom we enjoy here in Canada. That freedom, which includes protection against discrimination based on your faith, is a right for ALL Canadians and I will fight to protect those rights and freedoms.

M-103 is not inclusive. It singles out just one faith. I believe that all religions deserve the same level of respect and protection.

M-103 does not define Islamophobia.

M-103 could be interpreted as a step towards stifling free speech and legitimate criticism.

It is also important to note that we already have laws that protect Canadians against discrimination based on their faith. We also have laws against inciting violence.

For all these reasons, I will be voting against M-103.
最后编辑: 2017-03-12
支持m103的坚决不能选, 送走了老虎又来了狼。

Andrew Scheer 也不支持碳税。

Scrap the Carbon Tax
Canada’s natural environment is spectacular. A Carbon Tax, however, does nothing to protect it. Instead, it transfers your money to the government for projects that offer you little benefit.

Canada produces less than two per cent of global greenhouse gases thanks to the generation of clean electricity and long-standing air pollution controls. A Carbon Tax not only discourages investment in Canada but it hurts you. Today, Canadians will cook their breakfast, drive to work, buy groceries, heat their home and play hockey at the rink. The Liberal Carbon Tax makes these activities and necessities of life more expensive. It raises the cost of everything and puts jobs at risk while doing little for the environment.

As Prime Minister, Andrew will cancel the Liberal Carbon Tax. He will support a sector by sector approach to reduce greenhouse gases in cooperation with industry and the United States. This will protect Canada’s environment while keeping jobs in Canada and more money in your pocket.
Andrew Scheer 这个政策, 俺喜欢


Cheaper Flights
Canadians pay more for airfare than most other people in the world. While other countries allow entrepreneurs and established airlines the freedom to introduce innovative low-cost options for travellers, Canadians are required to settle for what government thinks we should get. It’s long past time for Canada to catch up with the rest of the world.

That’s why as Prime Minister, I will ensure Canadians have access to cheaper airfare by:

  • Removing foreign ownership restrictions on airlines;
  • Lowering airport taxes
第二,他是华人。他挺 M103挺的不是穆斯林,而是包括华人在内的少数族裔。
第二,他是华人。他挺 M103挺的不是穆斯林,而是包括华人在内的少数族裔。
第二,他是华人。他挺 M103挺的不是穆斯林,而是包括华人在内的少数族裔。
Maxime Bernier
Before O’Leary entered the race, Maxime Bernier appeared to be leading the pack in terms of fundraising and endorsements. The most important things to know about Bernier is that he’s a libertarian (favouring much smaller government and lower taxes) and he’s a francophone. He’s a lawyer by trade, and held three cabinet portfolios under Harper, including foreign minister, during which time he gained notoriety for leaving confidential documents at the home of his former girlfriend, Julie Couillard.
最后编辑: 2017-03-12
Kevin O’Leary, the Dragons’ Den and Shark Tank businessman and political outsider, finally entered the race in January after months of not-so-subtle suggestions that he’d throw his hat in the ring (he set up an exploratory committee and asked the public whether he should or shouldn’t run). He’s got the most name recognition of all the candidates (though this Abacus poll run after O’Leary’s entry also gave that candidate the highest number of both positive AND negative reactions amongs Canadians). O’Leary quickly became a target for his spotty business record, questionable judgment (on the day of a funeral for victims of the Quebec City mosque shooting, his social media accounts posted, then pulled, a video of O’Leary at a shooting range) and lack of time spent in Canada (he’s had a home in Boston for the past 20 years, though he also has a home in Toronto and a cottage in Muskoka). Lisa Raitt’s campaign set up the website StopKevinOLeary.com even before he officially entered the race (which he did the morning after the Tories’ French-language debate). But his plans to run Canada like a business seems to be finding an audience.
Kellie Leitch is one of the more divisive candidates in the race, based on her pledge to screen new immigrants, refugees and visitors for “anti-Canadian values.” This pediatric surgeon and former Harper cabinet minister (she held both the Labour and Status of Women files when the 2015 election was called) has been involved in Conservative party politics since she was a teenager and often rails against “media elites,” which has earned her fans amongst populist conservatives who want to see more nationalism in Ottawa. The most recent data has her in second place for fundraising. You might remember her from the “barbaric cultural practices” tip line announcement during the 2015 race. She’s so far pledged to legalize pepper spray if elected and delivered a speech in February against “politically correct nonsense,” related to the government’s anti-Islamophobia motion M-103.
Lisa Raitt, who was Conservative finance critic before stepping down to run for the leadership, is a successful cabinet minister and has won over members with her relatable personality. She’s banking on the public’s desire to return to a steadier Harper-esque approach to managing the economy, pushing job creation and investments in infrastructure.




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