回复: 投资移民的理财方式探讨
Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) and Term Deposit Rates
July 5, 2008
BMO Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC)
Annual / Annual Compound
Interest Payment Option
存期 $1,000 -$999,999
1 year - under 18 months 2.250%
18 months - under 19 months 2.500%
19 months - under 2 year 2.250%
2 years - under 3 years 2.600%
3 years - under 4 years 2.850%
4 years - under 5 years 2.950%
5 years - under 6 years 3.200%
6 years - under 7 years 3.200%
7 years exactly 3.400%
10 years exactly 3.600%
Monthly / Semi - Annual Interest Payment Option
存期 $1,000 -$999,999
1 year - under 18 months 2.125%
18 months - under 19 months 2.375%
19 months - under 2 years 2.125%
2 years - under 3 years 2.475%
3 years - under 4 years 2.725%
4 years - under 5 years 2.825%
5 years - under 6 years 3.075%
6 years - under 7 years 3.075%
7 years exactly 3.275%
10 years exactly 3.475%
If monthly interest payment options chosen, then minimum investment amount required is $5,000.
BMO Cashable RateRiser GIC
(Minimum investment $1,000)
Years of Investment
3 Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
3.000% 3.250% 4。250%
BMO RateRiser Plus GIC
(Minimum investment $1,000)
Years of Investment 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th year
2 Year (2年期) 3.000% 4.750% - - -
3 Year (3年期) 3.000% 3.500% 5.300% - -
5 Year( 5年期) 3.000% 3.250% 3.500% 4。0% 7.0%
BMO RateRiser Max GIC
(Minimum investment $1,000)
Years of Investment 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
3 Year 3.000% 3.500% 6.250% - -
5 Year 3.000% 3.250% 3.500% 5。0% 8。0%
BMO Short Term Investment Certificate
Term $5,000 -$24,999//$25,000 -$99,999//$100,000 -$249,999/ /$250,000 -$499,999/ /
$500,000 -$999,999
30 - 59 days 1.750%//1.750%//1.850%//2.000%//2.000%
60 - 89 days 1.750%//1.750%//1.850%//2.000%//2.000%
90 - 119 days 1.800%//1.800%//1.900%//2.050%//2.050%
120 - 149 days 1.800%//1.800%//1.900%//2.050%//2.050%
150 - 179 days 1.800%//1.800%//1.900%//2.050%//2.050%
180 - 269 days 1.850%//1.850%//1.950%//2.100%//2.100%
270 - 359 days 1.900%//1.900%//2.000%//2.150%//2.150%
BMO Short Term Investment Certificate (STIC) held in combination with Progressive GICs
Term $1,000+
30 - 89 days
BMO Redeemable Short Term Investment Certificate
Term $1,000 -$999,999
364 days 2.150%
BMO RateOptimizer Plus GIC
(Minimum investment $1,000)
Interest Payment Option
Years of Investment
Initial Rate
Renewal Rate
Annual Compound
5 years
Annual Pay
5 years
Monthly Pay
5 years
During the first year of the investment, the return is based on the “Initial Rate”.
In each subsequent year, the return on the investment is based on a “Blended Rate” . The Blended rate is derived from blending the five-year “Renewal Rate” in effect at the anniversary date with the existing rate of the investment.
BMO RateOptimizer Max GIC
(Minimum investment $1,000)
Interest Payment Option
Years of Investment
Initial Rate
Renewal Rate
Annual Compound
5 years
Annual Pay
5 years
Monthly Pay
5 years
During the first year of the investment, the return is based on the “Initial Rate”.
In each subsequent year, the return on the investment is based on a “Blended Rate” . The Blended rate is derived from blending the five-year “Renewal Rate” in effect at the anniversary date with the existing rate of the investment.
Term $5,000 -$999,999
364 days 2.150%
BMO Variable Rate GIC
Term $5,000 -$49,999// $50,000 -$99,999// $100,000 -$249,999// $250,000 -$999,999//
$1,000,000 -$10,000,000
364 days 2.100%//2.200%//2.250%//2.500%//2.750%
BMO Term Deposit Receipt
Term $1,000 -$4,999// $5,000 -$99,999// $100,000 -$249,999// $250,000 -$499,999//
$500,000 -$999,999
1 - 7 days -//-//1.500%//1.750%//1.750%
8 - 15 day -// -// 1.500%// 1.750%// 1.750%
16 - 22 days -// -// 1.500%// 1.750%// 1.750%
23 - 29 days -//-//1.500%//1.750%//1.750%
30 - 59 days -//1.500%//1.750%//1.900%//1.900%
60 - 89 days -//1.600%//1.750%//1.900%//1.900%
90 - 119 days -//1.650%//1.800%//1.950%//1.950%
120 - 179 days -//1.650%//1.800%//1.950%//1.950%
180 - 269 days -//1.700%//1.850%//2.000%//2.000%
270 days - under 1 year -//1.800%//1.900%//2.050%//2.050%
1 year - under 2 years 2.100%//2.100%//2.100%//2.100%//2.100%
2 years - under 3 years 2.350%//2.350%//2.350%//2.350%//2.350%
3 years - under 4 years 2.600%//2.600%//2.600%//2.600%//2.600%
4 years - under 5 years 2.750%//2.750%//2.750%//2.750%//2.750%
5 years exactly 2.950%//2.950%//2.950%//2.950%//2.950%
Redemptions permitted anytime with interest paid after 30 days at predetermined rates.
BMO US Dollar Term Deposit Receipt
Term $1,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $499,999
30 - 59 days 1.850% 1.850% 1.900%
60 - 89 days 1.850% 1.850% 1.900%
90 - 119 days 1.850% 1.850 % 1.900%
120 - 179 days 1.900% 1.900% 2.000%
180 - 269 days 1.900% 1.900% 2.000%
270 days - under 1 year 1.900% 1.900% 2.000%
1 year - under 2 years 2.250% 2.250% 2.250%
2 years - under 3 years 2.350% 2.350% 2.350%
3 years - under 4 years 2.500% 2.500% 2.500%
4 years - under 5 years 2.750% 2.750% 2.750%
5 years exactly 3.000% 3.000% 3.000%
US Dollar Fixed Term Deposits for amounts $100,000 to $499,999 are not eligible for early redemption.
BMO US Dollar Redeemable Short Term Investment
(Minimum investment $5,000)
Interest Rate
364 days
Guaranteed Investment Certificate(GIC)是加拿大的投资品种之一,它具有在一定期限内获得收益保证的特点. 其利率通常比定期存款term deposit高。客户可以在注册养老金储蓄计划内投资GICs,也可以在非注册投资账户内投资GICs. GICs的品种繁多,总体来说有加币和美元两种,期限为1年,2年,3年,4年或5年不等.到期时,GIC可以续做. GIC的投资金额最低为1000加币.
市场上目前加币GIC的竞争十分激烈,例如ICICI银行提供1年GIC利率为4.85%,Scotiabank推出1年GIC4.5%,3年5%(可以按年计复利),TD Bank的18个月GIC利率为4.35%,HSBC的GIC利率为4.25%等等。而且,GIC的种类各有不同,客户需要有一定了解,并根据自身资金使用需求和计划,选择适合自己的GIC投资。
1。不可赎回GIC(non-redeemable GIC)
2。可兑现GIC(cashable GIC)
3。可提前赎回GIC(redeemable GIC)
4。加速利率GIC (accelerated GIC)
5。股市指数挂钩GIC(stock-indexed GIC)
一般来说,加拿大的此类GIC与本地,美国和G7国家的股市指数挂钩,例如S&P, TSX60指数等。通常此类GIC不可提前赎回,而且需要较长期限的投资。与股市指数挂钩的GIC,既能享受到股市成长的收益回报,又能确保GIC本金的安全,因为此类GIC的本金是保证到期给付的。 ]