聊完影帝影后,为了不至于天道不公,俺想聊聊配角演员了。电影The Hunger Games里最耀眼的配角,莫过于Effie Trinket了。我第一眼看到这个角色,就想起了我在家园常用的一个词---"成功大奶"
现在我们就借电影里的Effie Trinket,看看“成功大奶”究竟是什么样子:
图1. Effie在12区的Reeping讲话 "Happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favour."与画面中的现实完全脱节。
图2.送Peeta和Katniss上火车 "You are in for a treat. Crystal chandeliers, platinum doorknobs...."显然Effie对Peeta和Katniss痛苦的表情视而不见,一路上唠叨着参加Games的那几天可以享受到的荣华富贵。导演选择了让Effie的唠叨逐渐淡出变为沉重的音乐的表现手法,衬托出Effie脑袋里的思想已经与她眼前的现实完全脱节,进一步体现了她这种自我中心的性格。
图3. Peeta和Katniss训练后共进晚餐跑题,显然对别人在这种时候关心的是什么全无想法。
Haymitch: He's Career. You know what that is?
Katniss: From District1,
Peeta: and 2.
Haymitch: They train in a special academy, until they are 18. Then they volunteer. By that point, they are pretty lethal.
Effie: But they don't receive any special treatment. In fact, they stay in the exact same apartment as you do. And I don't think they let them have dessert. And you can.
图4. Effie在Voctors Tour之前来到12区接Peeta和Katniss,向两位随行的美容师宣扬自己的“成功”: "Stop! Take it all in. This is sacred ground. History was made here....oh... You'll get used to the smell."
图5: Effie进门本以为是Katniss开门, 刚说完Hello一看是Katniss的妈妈,马上把她抛在一边直扑Katniss---傍“成功人士”的心态暴露无遗。
Hello!....oh...There she is. My greatest trumph!
图6. 在Victors Tour火车上
Effie: Fabulous food, fabulous wine, the massages, spa treatments..I told them, nothing but the best for my two Victors. It all needs to be....
Haymitch: Fabulous?
Effie: Exactly! Now, the schedule is a bit of a bear. 12days, 12 districts. But it's mostly parties, celebrations, adoring fans to greet you at every stop along the way. and then we wrap it up in The Capitol. All you need to do is give a few speeches, wave to the crowds, and enjoy your time in the spotlight. You have earned it.
Katniss: What did you say?
Effie: I said, "Enjoy it, Katniss, you have earned it."
Katniss: By killing people.
Effie: Young lady.....
图7. Victors Tour在11区火车站: Oh, Well, I, never. This is not very festive.
Katness and I want to share with you our victory, and our gratitude to The Capitol, for bring us together. It was the bond of love, forged in the crucible of the Games, that was our greatest prize. For it is love and true love that allows us all to bear our hardships. That mends the heart and banishes loneliness and gives meaning to our lives. We also want to share with you the sorrows of your losses. The tributes of this district were brave and noble warriors. They brought honor to their families and pride to their people. We are all of us united, both victors and vanquished, in serving a common purpose. The power and glory of The Capitol. Panem today. Panem tomorrow. Panem forever.
图8: Victors Tour的终点--总统府欢迎party。Effie另一个symbolic台词:Eyes bright. Chins up. Smiles on.
图9 在75届Hunger Games的Reeping中,看到自己“成就”的象征Peeta和Katniss又被迫入选,Effie虽然还是那句 "Happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favour."的台词,表情却大不相同:
图10 在75届Hunger Games中,Effie虽然还保存了她媚俗的特色,但她人性的一面也逐渐表现出来。这是Effie看到Katniss在电视interview前穿婚纱时的情景:
Katniss, oh, you would have been the most beautiful bride. Let's go show them what real beauty looks like.
图11: Effie向即将进入竞技场的Peeta和Katniss告别。
We're a team, aren't we? And I'm so proud of my victors, so proud. You are so....well, you both deserved so much better. I'm truly sorry.
PS: 家园新版上传图片和视频的功能真不错,赞一下
正如我们从小说和电影中看到的,从本质上说,以Effie这样的人并非是坏人。当她看到自己所熟悉的Katniss和Peeta又被迫入选Games之后,她和其他人一样,也会为他们痛苦和悲伤。但她的问题出在思维方式上---如果75届Hunger Games如果和往常一样,还是随即抽取几个她根本不认识的孩子,Effie还会表现出她在图9/10/11中表现出的人性的一面么?我觉得不会。因为她总是认为凡是自己喜欢的,如mahogany的家具,豪华的宴会,Capitol式的服装和美容等,别人也一定喜欢。不会站在别人的立场上去思考问题,是Effie的思想总与现实脱节的原因所在。