2018 - 2020 温哥华房产市场追踪(全剧终,不再更新)

也是搞笑!现在跌了说“被严重高估”,当年可是“收藏品,永不贬值” 哈哈哈哈

现在都说中低端房产是刚需房,不会跌,等看到底能有多“刚硬” !

1. 政府有一个固定不变的税率
2. 政府或者政府认可的第三方给房屋估价
3. 政府地税总税收= 估价*税率



1. 政府定预算,算出要收多少税来维持预算
2. 政府或者政府认可的第三方给房屋估价
3. 政府计算出税率,mill rate = 预期税收/总估价

2004-2016年,温哥华房价翻三倍,按脑补的算法,每户地税也是翻三倍。实际上,由于估价提高,税率mill rate下调,居民地税税率从2004年6%下调到3%,即使房屋估价涨了三倍,实际每户支付的地税只涨了50-60%

1. 政府有一个固定不变的税率
2. 政府或者政府认可的第三方给房屋估价
3. 政府地税总税收= 估价*税率



1. 政府定预算,算出要收多少税来维持预算
2. 政府或者政府认可的第三方给房屋估价
3. 政府计算出税率,mill rate = 预期税收/总估价

2004-2016年,温哥华房价翻三倍,按脑补的算法,每户地税也是翻三倍。实际上,由于估价提高,税率mill rate下调,居民地税税率从2004年6%下调到3%,即使房屋估价涨了三倍,实际每户支付的地税只涨了50-60%

来年预算政策制订依据FAA指南订立,具体一部分是依据过往地税和来年可征地税以及其他税项因素来综合考量,而不是反过来。预算草案下来之后,地税会再根据情况(比如反对党和相关部会反馈)调整。如果相信政府会按照制订地税以及其他税项而中间没有利益的考量,那反对党就永远不反对执政党的预算了。比如Vancouver city council approves 7% property tax increase for 2020. 最初的设定是8.2%
写错了,mill rate是千分之六和千分之三,温哥华市政府网上就有历年的税率,随着评估价提高,税率是不断走低的


其实有过统计,大概高达60%的房产被过度评估,如果政府税收的减免和税率下降可以抵消这个”过度“那就最好。但问题是,房屋的评估价值为什么会由一个Crown Company “BC Assessment Authority” 执行,难道不应该是独立的第三方来做吗?
来年预算政策制订依据FAA指南订立,具体一部分是依据过往地税和来年可征地税以及其他税项因素来综合考量,而不是反过来。预算草案下来之后,地税会再根据情况(比如反对党和相关部会反馈)调整。如果相信政府会按照制订地税以及其他税项而中间没有利益的考量,那反对党就永远不反对执政党的预算了。比如Vancouver city council approves 7% property tax increase for 2020. 最初的设定是8.2%



上面两个除一下算出mill rate
单独某户的地税=这一户的评估价*mill rate

mill rate从来就不是固定的,从来就没有房屋涨价导致政府整体多收地税的情况。温哥华房价几年之类翻倍,温哥华市政府收上来的地税翻倍了吗? 零几年一百万的房屋地税3000,16年房屋涨价到三百多万,地税同比例涨到了1万以上了吗?


房屋估价怎么评估,某户觉得评估价不合理怎么申诉,bc local government act里讲得清清楚楚的,不是自己脑补下觉得不应该由谁不应该由谁来做。独立的第三方来评估? 呵呵,bc之外的地税评估直接就是地方政府的一个部门。



上面两个除一下算出mill rate
单独某户的地税=这一户的评估价*mill rate

mill rate从来就不是固定的,从来就没有房屋涨价导致政府整体多收地税的情况。温哥华房价几年之类翻倍,温哥华市政府收上来的地税翻倍了吗? 零几年一百万的房屋地税3000,16年房屋涨价到三百多万,地税同比例涨到了1万以上了吗?


房屋估价怎么评估,某户觉得评估价不合理怎么申诉,bc local government act里讲得清清楚楚的,不是自己脑补下觉得不应该由谁不应该由谁来做。独立的第三方来评估? 呵呵,bc之外的地税评估直接就是地方政府的一个部门。


“你说的地税总额怎么确定的,跟我说的一点也不矛盾” -- 没矛盾,但你曲解别人的意图,所以“这么简单的问题,很难理解吗?”


The Property Tax Equation

BC Assessment determines the assessed value of your property based on a valuation date of July 1st of each year. Your assessment notice is mailed to you by BC Assessment in January and contains your assessed value, property classification, and tax exemption* status. In early spring, your taxing authority sets its property tax rates for each of the nine property classes and applies the applicable rate, i.e. residential, to your property’s assessed value, less the value of any applicable tax exemptions. The taxing authority mails you a property tax notice which details the property taxes payable by you to them.

*A tax exemption is a release from paying all, or a portion of property tax levied by a taxing authority, i.e. a municipality, First Nation, or the surveyor of taxes in rural areas.

How are assessed values, property tax rates, and property taxes related and what influences your property taxes?


* Unless your taxing authority has enacted an alternative municipal tax collection structure under Section 235 of the Community Charter.

Assessed Value
Each January, BC Assessment mails property assessment notices to the owners of 2+ million properties in the province. The notice contains your assessed value, which is the estimated market value of your property as of July 1st of the previous year, the property classification, and tax exemption status.
The assessed value, property classification, and tax exemption status are important factors in determining how much property tax you pay, and form the first piece of the tax equation formula.
Please contact your taxing authority, or visit their website, to learn more about how they calculate property tax rates in your jurisdiction.

Property Tax Rate
Your taxing authority has an annual budget to fund important services used every day in your community. Each year, new tax rates must be set before May 15th in order to raise enough revenue from property taxes to cover their annual budget. There is a different tax rate for each of the nine property classes.

Property tax rates are independently determined by your taxing authority and are applied to each $1,000 of taxable assessed value. BC Assessment functions independently of taxing authorities and has no role in setting property tax rates.

The property tax rate is the second piece of the formula that determines how much property tax you pay.

Property Taxes
To calculate your property taxes, multiply the taxable assessed value of your property by the property tax rate for your property class. Property taxes are collected by your local taxing authority, i.e. municipality, First Nation, or the surveyor of taxes in rural areas, and are used by the local taxing authority and distributed to the provincial government to help pay for things like schools, hospitals, and to other taxing agencies like transit authorities.

If your property is located within the City of Vancouver, your property taxes may be affected by Land Averaging. For more information, visit the City of Vancouver website.

If your residential property is valued at $3 million or more, additional school tax may be levied against it. For more information on additional school tax, visit the BC Government's school tax website.

The information on this page is for information purposes only. For specific questions about property taxes, please consult your municipality or taxing authority.

Example: Say your property is assessed at $500,000 as of July 1st of the previous year. Since the property tax rate applies to each $1,000 of taxable assessed value, you must divide the assessed value of your property by $1,000. Next, multiply that number by the property tax rate for your property class to determine your property taxes.







最后编辑: 2019-12-20

The Property Tax Equation

BC Assessment determines the assessed value of your property based on a valuation date of July 1st of each year. Your assessment notice is mailed to you by BC Assessment in January and contains your assessed value, property classification, and tax exemption* status. In early spring, your taxing authority sets its property tax rates for each of the nine property classes and applies the applicable rate, i.e. residential, to your property’s assessed value, less the value of any applicable tax exemptions. The taxing authority mails you a property tax notice which details the property taxes payable by you to them.

*A tax exemption is a release from paying all, or a portion of property tax levied by a taxing authority, i.e. a municipality, First Nation, or the surveyor of taxes in rural areas.

How are assessed values, property tax rates, and property taxes related and what influences your property taxes?


* Unless your taxing authority has enacted an alternative municipal tax collection structure under Section 235 of the Community Charter.

Assessed Value
Each January, BC Assessment mails property assessment notices to the owners of 2+ million properties in the province. The notice contains your assessed value, which is the estimated market value of your property as of July 1st of the previous year, the property classification, and tax exemption status.
The assessed value, property classification, and tax exemption status are important factors in determining how much property tax you pay, and form the first piece of the tax equation formula.
Please contact your taxing authority, or visit their website, to learn more about how they calculate property tax rates in your jurisdiction.

Property Tax Rate
Your taxing authority has an annual budget to fund important services used every day in your community. Each year, new tax rates must be set before May 15th in order to raise enough revenue from property taxes to cover their annual budget. There is a different tax rate for each of the nine property classes.

Property tax rates are independently determined by your taxing authority and are applied to each $1,000 of taxable assessed value. BC Assessment functions independently of taxing authorities and has no role in setting property tax rates.

The property tax rate is the second piece of the formula that determines how much property tax you pay.

Property Taxes
To calculate your property taxes, multiply the taxable assessed value of your property by the property tax rate for your property class. Property taxes are collected by your local taxing authority, i.e. municipality, First Nation, or the surveyor of taxes in rural areas, and are used by the local taxing authority and distributed to the provincial government to help pay for things like schools, hospitals, and to other taxing agencies like transit authorities.

If your property is located within the City of Vancouver, your property taxes may be affected by Land Averaging. For more information, visit the City of Vancouver website.

If your residential property is valued at $3 million or more, additional school tax may be levied against it. For more information on additional school tax, visit the BC Government's school tax website.

The information on this page is for information purposes only. For specific questions about property taxes, please consult your municipality or taxing authority.

Example: Say your property is assessed at $500,000 as of July 1st of the previous year. Since the property tax rate applies to each $1,000 of taxable assessed value, you must divide the assessed value of your property by $1,000. Next, multiply that number by the property tax rate for your property class to determine your property taxes.


我在说Taxes (税收),有人给我讲Property Tax **Rate**。有人说”这是”智商税“:LOL:

回到主题,是谁给了BCA的权力用自己的标准来Assess别人物业的市场价值?难道不应该由独立第三方机构来做吗?物业税确定的一个因素是物业的Assessment结果(税率是另一个),政府制定税率有一套标准,但Assessed Value这个“乘数”有“空间”被调整 (比如2017年比2016年突然的上调),特别是这个调整是由Crown company BCA来做的时候,谁能相信这个地税的调整没有“私心“。?官方的说法和解释相关资料都能查到,比如这个帖子。





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