想分享一下本人失败的双护照去中国的经历给大家留个教训。去之前设想了很多不同的scenario但是没想到是被卡在了加拿大机场check in那一步, 甚至没去到安检。
本人是买的加航温哥华转机直飞上海。去机场前已经网上checkin甚至有了电子登机牌,去到机场只是check我的行李。被加航值机的人员逼问现在留在加拿大的身份,我说我用中国护照回国你为什么要问我这个问题,我只要托运行李。她立刻接着询问我是否是PR还是公民,我说我是公民但是我中国护照回国有什么问题,加拿大航空现在还管这么多?她语气很不好地直接通知她的supervisor过来并告知我不可能登机因为中国不允许双国籍,如果被中国边境发现会罚款。她还说了许多类似“除非你现在放弃加拿大国籍,并再也不返回加拿大”,“你的回加拿大行程没有通过air canada所以我更不能放行”的话。具体记不太清楚,因为当时大脑一片空白,从来没有一次值机被询问过是否在加拿大身份合法。他们还说了系统里都是connected很容易发现我双国籍(但是开始那个工作人员还问我是PR还是citizen,好像并不是知道的样子),他们不想承担责任。最后我询问是否可以改签,他们柜台也拒绝了,说这是客服的工作,并且告知我不用试图在别处checkin因为他们在我profile里留了notes大家都看得到。
我再次建议您对此事件进行投诉。我刚起草了一封投诉信 (如下),你可以以此为基础书写自己的投诉信。如下。你甚至可以在Facebook, Twitter 上发投诉。那样反而更有效果。 如果在Twitter 上发,应该先把投诉信打印成图片,然后再发图片。
Dear Air Canada,
I am writing to you because of a particularly egregious and distressing incident which resulted in me being denied boarding for my flight with Air Canada. I strongly believe this happened because an Air Canada employee made a grave error in judgment and overstepped her authority in a way that deviated from your company’s operational guidelines. I am writing to seek clarification, and where appropriate, an apology and monetary compensation for my missed flight.
On [DATE], I was going to board my flight from Vancouver to Shanghai with AC XXXX (ticket number: XXXXXX). At YVR, I proceed to the Air Canada check-in counter to drop off my luggage, having already checked in for my flight online and printed out my boarding pass. Upon request, I presented my Chinese passport to your check-in staff member (NAME) who immediately interrogated me regarding my immigration status in Canada. In particular, she demanded that I clarify whether I am a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen.
I replied, rightfully that this was irrelevant to the business in front of us, as I possessed the correct travel document that would enable me to enter China, the destination of my flight. In any case, I complied and told her that I am (also) a Canadian citizen.
Upon learning this, XXX informed me that I was to be denied boarding for my flight because according to her, China does not permit dual citizenship, and that a fine would be imposed by the Chinese authorities should they find out about my citizenship status. As a result, I had to miss my flight, and so far Air Canada has not compensated me for it.
I was dumbfounded as this had never happened to me before. I believe the airline employee in this incident acted inappropriately and possibly unlawfully.
First, Air Canada has no authority to demand departing passengers to disclose what immigration status they hold in Canada when Canada is not the destination, but rather the origin of travel. Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is the only authority that can inquire into the immigration status of air travel passengers. Therefore, in this particular incident, your employee (XXX), clearly acted inappropriately and most definitely overstepped her authority.
Second, it is not within the authority of Air Canada to apply or enforce the nationality law of any country, including China. As long as a departing passenger possesses the correct travel document (e.g., a Chinese passport, or a Chinese visa) that would enable entry into China, the passenger’s other citizenship(s) are wholly irrelevant to Air Canada. It is completely outside the remit of Air Canada to attempt to infer the consequences of dual citizenships for any passengers,
or worse, to deny boarding based on such an inference. Therefore, your employee appeared to have acted unlawfully in denying me boarding.
Please therefore look into this incident which has left me shocked and distressed. I am looking forward to an explanation, and where appropriate, an apology and a full refund for my missed flight, and the other expenses incurred.