1。 先美签,过了后再加签。 成功率高很多。多谢Lucy7777跟大家分享经验,且知无不言,言无不尽,非常难得。我有问题想向Lucy请教,希望能得到你的帮助:我在家做全职,老公工资一般。现正在申请侄女留学(13岁),父母和弟弟弟媳准备7月过来送孩子,同时去美国玩一趟。我父母去过澳洲、马来西亚、泰国,国内有房产,有存款,有退休工资但不高。弟弟弟媳也去过日本、非洲、欧洲,国内也有房产。请问,1,他们是否应该先办去美国签证,以利于后续办加拿大签证? (因为我估计他们办美国签证相对容易) 2,办加拿大签证时是否要岔开时间办?弟弟弟媳办时是否要提孩子已经准备来加上学或已获留学签证?3,父母办理时是否不提我在加一事,如你前面说的以纯旅游形式办理?那会不会被签证官查出来?4,他们各自的存款多少合适? 这么一大家子人来我真怕被拒了,父母已70多,跟着弟弟来也放心一些。
lucy有问题需要请教:1.什么情况下需要填写Schedule 1?
恩,感谢回复的这么快,现在我做好了5465表,那个表有ABC3部分,这三部分是不用申请人签字的吗?1. read the instruction.
Question 3
Check the box to indicate if you have ever:
If you checked “Yes”, you may be required to complete Schedule 1 – Application for Temporary Resident Visa (IMM 5257 – Schedule 1).
- committed,
- been arrested for, or
- been charged with or convicted of any criminal offence in any country.
2. no
3. apply on line, no need.
apply by paper, yes.
直接把邀请信 用做 purpose of travel, 还用做 itinerary。
三个文件都用 invitation letter代替。
HI, Lucy
Where should I upload my mariage certificate? the same place with my parents'?
Thanks, Lucy. So all documents muct be uploaded in one document, right?upload your marriage certificate to financial support, to prove to the visa officer that your husband is someone like a co-signer to financially support your parents.
documents can be combined as one pdf file, and then you upload that pdf to the right section.Thanks, Lucy. So all documents muct be uploaded in one document, right?
Are you giving someone access to your application?
Yes, I will be appointing a representative to apply on my behalf
Yes, grant authorization for Citizenship and Immigration Canada to release your application information to another person.
Yes, both appoint a representative and grant authorization to release information to another person