Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)
Are you eligible?[FONT=宋体](条件)[/FONT]
To receive the CCTB, all the following conditions must be met:
1. You must live with the child, and the child must be under 18 years of age.
3. You must be a resident of Canada for tax purposes.
o a Canadian citizen;
o as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, a "permanent resident";
o as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, a "protected person"; or
o as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, a "temporary resident" who has lived in Canada throughout the previous 18 months, and who has a valid permit in the 19th month (other than one that states "does not confer status" or "does not confer temporary resident status"). If this is your situation, you should not apply before the 19th month.
We pay Children's Special Allowances for children under 18 years of age who are under the care of a government department, agency, or institution. You cannot receive the CCTB for a child for any month in which Children's Special Allowances are payable for that child.
Who should apply?
The person who is primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of the child should apply for the CCTB. For CCTB purposes, it is presumed that when both a male and a female parent live in the same home as the child, the female parent is considered to be primarily responsible for[FONT=宋体](家里的女主人通常被认为是主要负责人,应由她来申请)[/FONT] the child and should apply. However, if the male parent is primarily responsible, he can apply if he attaches a signed note from the female parent to Form RC66, Canada Child Benefits Application, that states that the male parent is primarily responsible for all of the children in the household.
If you are eligible for the CCTB, you should apply even if you think you will not be entitled to receive it based on your current adjusted family net income. We recalculate your entitlement every July based on your adjusted family net income for the previous year. We also use this information to determine your eligibility for other federal, provincial and territorial programs that we administer.
When should you apply?
You should apply for the CCTB as soon as possible after:
・ your child is born;
・ a child starts to live with you; or
・ you or your spouse or common-law partner meet the eligibility conditions in the "Are you eligible?".
You should not delay applying. Your application is considered late if it includes a period that started more than 11 months ago. If this is your situation, in order to receive payments, you must attach legible photocopies (including both sides of all pages) of the following documents for the entire period:
・ proof of citizenship status (for example, a Canadian birth certificate) and/ or immigration status in Canada for you and your spouse or common law partner if you have one.
・ proof that you resided in Canada, such as a lease or rent receipts, utility bills or bank statements.
・ proof of birth for each child; and
・ proof that you were the person who is primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of the child(ren). This could include, but is not limited to, a signed statement from a school, daycare or nursery, a medical professional, or a lawyer.
Shared eligibility
There are situations where a child may reside with two different individuals on a more or less equal basis, and both of these individuals share equally in the child's care and upbringing. If this situation applies to you, attach a note to your application that clearly states your parenting arrangement. For more information, go to Child and Family Benefits page, or call 1-800-387-1193.
How do you apply?[FONT=宋体]([/FONT][FONT=宋体]如何申请?[/FONT] 1[FONT=宋体]、网上;[/FONT]2[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT]FormRC66[FONT=宋体])[/FONT]
If you are the mother of a newborn and you live in a participating province, you may now apply for all your child benefits using the Automated Benefits Application (ABA) service. For more information see “Automated Benefits Application (ABA)”.
・ became a new resident or returned as a resident of Canada in the last two years;
・ became a Canadian citizen in the last 12 months; or
・ are, as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, a permanent resident, protected person (refugee), or temporary resident who has lived in Canada for the previous 18 months.
If you and your spouse or common-law partner were residents of Canada for any part of 2009, you must both file a 2009 Income Tax and Benefit Return before we can calculate your benefit.
To continue receiving the CCTB, you both have to file your own tax returns every year you are residents of Canada, even if you have no income to report.[FONT=宋体]夫妇俩都需要各自报税,如果是加拿大居民的话,即使没有收入[/FONT] If your spouse or common-law partner is a non-resident of Canada during any part of the year, you will have to complete Form CTB9, Canada Child Tax Benefit - Statement of Income, for each year or part of a year he or she is a non-resident of Canada.[FONT=宋体]如果任何一方曾经一段时间不是加拿大居民,需要填[/FONT]CTB9[FONT=宋体]表[/FONT]
You need to attach proof of birth for the child to your application if we have not previously paid benefits to anyone for this child, and either of the following applies:
・ the child was born outside Canada; or
・ the child was born in Canada and is one year of age or older.
Send your completed Form RC66, along with any other required documents, to the tax centre that serves your area.
Social insurance number (SIN)
You need a SIN to apply for CCTB. For more information, or to get an application for a SIN, visit the Service Canada Web site or call 1-800-206-7218. To find the address of the Service Canada centre nearest you, call 1-800-622-6232.
If they will not give you a SIN you can still apply for the CCTB if you meet all of the conditions listed under "Are you eligible?". Attach a note to your RC66, Canada Child Benefits Application, explaining why you cannot get a SIN and include a photocopy of one of the following:
・ visitor record;
・ passport from your country of emigration;
・ temporary resident permit or extension to a temporary resident permit; or
・ Minister's permit or extension to a Minister's permit.
Automated Benefits Application (ABA)
The ABA service is a new quick, easy and secure way to apply for all your child benefits.
If you are the mother of a newborn and you live in a participating province or territory, all you need to do is:
・ complete and sign your child’s birth registration form from your province or territory;
・ give your consent to the Vital Statistics Office to share your information with us; and
・ provide your SIN.
If you choose to use this service to apply for your child benefits, do not reapply using the CRA online service or Form RC66 (previously described). Re‑applying may result in a delay in processing your first application or in issuing payments.
If you already receive CCTB payments for your other children by direct deposit, we will automatically include the payments for your new child into the same account. Otherwise, we will send your payments to you by cheque. For more information on how to sign up for the fast and easy direct deposit feature, see “Direct deposit”.
What happens after you apply?
If your application is not complete or it is not signed, we will ask for the missing information. This will delay the processing of your application.
After we process your application, we will send you a CCTB notice. It will tell you how much you will receive, if any, and what information we used to calculate the amount. To find out how long it will take to process your application, see our service standards.
We may review your situation at a later date to confirm that the information you gave us has not changed. See our service standards for this review.
Keep your CCTB notice in case you need to refer to it when you contact us. You may also have to provide information from your notice to other federal, provincial, or territorial government departments.
How do we calculate your benefit?[FONT=宋体](重点[/FONT]
For the benefit year July 2010 to June 2011, we calculate your benefit based on:
・ the number of qualified children you have, and their ages; [FONT=宋体]孩子数量,及年龄[/FONT]
・ your province or territory of residence; [FONT=宋体]居住省份[/FONT]
To continue to receive the CCTB, you and your spouse or common-law partner each have to file separate tax returns every year.[FONT=宋体]夫妇俩必须分别报税[/FONT]
Base year and benefit year
The base year is the year of the tax return from which information is taken to calculate the CCTB entitlement for the benefit year. The base year is the calendar year just before the start of the benefit year.
The benefit year is the 12-month period during which the CCTB payments are paid. The benefit year runs from July 1 of the year following the base year to June 30 of the next year. For example, 2009 tax returns are normally filed and processed between January and June 2010. CCTB payments calculated on the 2009 tax return will start being issued in July 2010, which is the beginning of the benefit year. Also see “When do we pay your benefit?”.
The following chart illustrates the relationship between the base year and the benefit year.
Base Year (tax return)
Benefit year (payments)
July 2010 - June 2011
July 2009 - June 2010
July 2008 - June 2009
Lucy has just received her July 2010 CCTB payment. The amount was reduced considerably compared to the amount she received in June. There have not been any changes to the number of eligible children she has. Her June and July payments were calculated using two different base years (the 2008 base year and the 2009 base year respectively). Since Lucy’s adjusted family net income was higher in 2009 than it was in 2008, her July 2010 payment was reduced accordingly.
Child and family benefits online calculator[FONT=宋体](最重要的)[/FONT]
Basic benefit[FONT=宋体](第一部分)[/FONT]
We calculate the basic benefit as described below:
・ $112.33 per month for each child under 18 years of age (if you live in Alberta, see the note below); and 112.33[FONT=宋体]元每个孩子每月,针对头[/FONT]2[FONT=宋体]个孩子[/FONT]18[FONT=宋体]岁以下。[/FONT]
・ an additional $7.83 per month for your third and each additional child. [FONT=宋体]([/FONT]7.83[FONT=宋体]元?每个孩子?每月,[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]个含以上的)[/FONT]
We reduce the basic benefit if your adjusted family net income is more than $40,970. For a family with one child, the reduction is 2% of the amount of adjusted family net income that is more than $40,970. For families with two or more children, the reduction is 4% of the amount of adjusted family net income that is more than $40,970.
The Alberta provincial government has chosen to provide different benefit amounts depending on the age of each child. For Alberta residents, the basic monthly benefit is:
・ $103.00 for each child under 7;
・ $110.00 for each child 7 to 11;
・ $123.00 for each child 12 to 15; and
・ $130.33 for each child 16 or 17.
National Child Benefit Supplement (NCBS)[FONT=宋体](第二部分)[/FONT]
The NCBS amounts are:
・ $174.00 per month for the first child;
・ $154.00 per month for the second child; and
・ $146.50 per month for each additional child.
The NCBS will be reduced as follows:
・ For a family with one child, the reduction is 12.2% of the amount of the adjusted family net income that is more than $23,855. [FONT=宋体](家庭净收入过[/FONT]23,855[FONT=宋体]的,[/FONT]NCBS[FONT=宋体]要少[/FONT]12.2%[FONT=宋体])[/FONT]
・ For a family with two children, the reduction is 23% of the amount of the adjusted family net income that is more than $23,855. [FONT=宋体]([/FONT]2[FONT=宋体]个孩子的要减少[/FONT]23%[FONT=宋体])[/FONT]
・ For families with three or more children, the reduction is 33.3% of the amount of the adjusted family net income that is more than $23,855. [FONT=宋体]([/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]个以上的要减少[/FONT]33.3%[FONT=宋体])[/FONT]
If you are on social assistance, the NCBS may affect the amount of your social assistance payments. Many provinces and territories will consider the NCBS you get as income and will adjust your basic social assistance by this amount. Others may adjust their basic social assistance rates by using the maximum NCBS amount.
Child Disability Benefit (CDB)
The CDB, which is based on the adjusted family net income, provides up to a maximum of $205.83 per month for each child eligible for the disability amount. The CDB starts being reduced when the adjusted family net income is more than $40,970. For more information, see CDB.
When do we pay your benefit?
You are entitled to receive the CCTB in the month following the month you become an eligible individual. For more information, see “Are you eligible?"
We generally pay your benefit on the 20th of each month. However, if your monthly entitlement is less than $10, we will make one lump-sum payment on July 20, 2010, to cover the entire benefit year from July 2010 to June 2011. If your payment has not arrived by the 20th of any month, please wait five working days before calling us 1-800-387-1193.
When do we recalculate your benefit?
We will recalculate your benefit and send you a CCTB notice showing our revised calculation:
・ at the beginning of every benefit year (every July) based on the tax returns that you and your spouse or common-law partner filed for the previous year;
・ after any reassessment of either your or your spouse or common-law partner's tax return that affects the calculation of your benefit;
・ when a child for whom you receive the CCTB is turning 18 years of age (the last payment you will receive will be for the month of your child's birthday); or
What happens if you were overpaid?
If a recalculation shows that you were overpaid CCTB, we will send you a notice to inform you of the balance owing. We may keep all or a portion of future CCTB payments, income tax refunds, or goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) credits until the balance owing is repaid. This may also apply to the other federal, provincial, and territorial programs that we administer.
National Child Benefit (NCB)
The NCB is a joint initiative of the federal, provincial, and territorial governments. This initiative is designed to:
・ help prevent and reduce the depth of child poverty;
・ ensure that families will always be better off as a result of parents working; and
・ reduce overlap and duplication of government programs and services.
The National Child Benefit Supplement (NCBS) is included in the CCTB and paid monthly to low-income families with children under 18 years of age. It is the Government of Canada's contribution to the NCB. As part of the NCB, certain provinces and territories also provide complementary benefits and services for children in low-income families, such as child benefits, earned income supplements, and supplementary health benefits, as well as child care, children-at-risk, and early childhood services. For more information, visit the NCB Web site.
Child Disability Benefit (CDB)
The CDB is a monthly benefit included in the CCTB to provide financial assistance to qualified families caring for children who have severe and prolonged impairment in physical or mental functions. Families with children under 18 years of age who qualify for the disability amount are eligible to receive a CDB. A child qualifies for the disability amount when we have approved Form T2201, Disability Tax Credit Certificate, for that child. For more information on the disability amount, visit our Persons with disabilities page. For more information on the CDB, visit our Child and Family Benefits page or call 1-800-387-1193.
If you have already applied for the CCTB for a child who is eligible for the disability amount, the CDB will be calculated automatically for the current and the two previous CCTB benefit years. Beyond these benefit years, a written request to the tax centre that serves your area will have to be submitted.
Related programs administered by the CRA
The CRA administers the Universal Child Care Benefit and the following provincial and territorial child benefit and credit programs:
You do not need to apply separately for these benefits. We use the information from your Canada Child Benefits application to determine your eligibility for these programs. If you are eligible, the amount of your payments will be calculated based on information from the tax returns you and your spouse or common-law partner file.
If you use the direct deposit service for your CCTB payments, we will deposit payments from the provincial and territorial programs into the same account.
The "earned income" and "working income" used to calculate certain provincial and territorial benefits includes income from employment, self-employment, training allowances, scholarships (if taxable), research grants, and disability payments received under the Canada Pension Plan and the Quebec Pension Plan.
Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB)
[FONT=宋体]第三部分,要交税的,同时必须满足[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]岁以下,[/FONT]100[FONT=宋体]元每个孩子,不需要填报[/FONT]tax return[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]
The UCCB is a taxable benefit paid monthly to help eligible families provide child care for their children under six years of age. The UCCB provides families with a $100 monthly payment (up to $1,200 annually) for each qualified child. You are not required to file a tax return to receive the UCCB.
Are you eligible?
If you are eligible for the CCTB for a child under six years of age, you are also eligible for the UCCB for that child. For more information, see "Are you eligible?".
Do you need to apply?
You do not need to apply for the UCCB if either of the following situations applies to you. The benefit will be sent to you automatically if:
・ you already receive the CCTB for your children under six years of age; or
・ you are eligible for the CCTB for your children under six years of age and have applied for it, but you do not get it (perhaps because your family income is too high).
・ your child is born;
・ a child under six years of age starts to live with you; or
・ you or your spouse or common-law partner has a child under six years of age, and one of you becomes eligible.
When do we pay your benefit?
We generally pay your benefit on the 20th of each month. UCCB is paid separately from the CCTB. If your payment has not arrived by the 20th of any month, please wait 10 working days before calling us at 1-800-387-1193.
How do you report your UCCB on your tax return?
The UCCB is taxable and must be reported as income if you have to file a tax return. Every year, we will send you a RC62, Statement of Universal Child Care Benefit, information slip in February.
Income tax cannot be withheld from UCCB payments. You may wish to increase the amount of tax withheld from your other sources of income to take into account this additional income.
Ontario Child Benefit (OCB)
The OCB is a non-taxable amount paid to help low-to moderate-income families provide for their children.
OCB payments are delivered with the CCTB in a single monthly payment. Under the OCB, you may be eligible to receive up to $91.66 per month for each child under 18 years of age. If your adjusted family net income is above $20,000, you may receive a partial benefit.
This program is funded entirely by the Province of Ontario. For more information, go to the Ministry of Children and Youth Services Web site or call 1-866-821-7770. For teletypewriter service (TTY), call 1-800-387-5559. For specific payment information, call 1-800-387-1193 or for TTY, call 1-800-665-0354.
Ontario Child Care Supplement (OCCS) for Working Families
If you live in Ontario, we will automatically send the information needed for the OCCS for Working Families to the Ontario Ministry of Revenue. The Ministry will send out applications to qualifying families that they must complete and return.
The OCCS which is being phased out, is integrated into the OCB. OCCS payments are reduced dollar for dollar by the amount of a family’s OCB payments. Families with children born after June 30, 2009, will not be eligible for OCCS payments. Families who have children born before July 1, 2009, and whose OCCS entitlement exceeds their OCB payment will continue to receive the difference through OCCS payments. For more information, visit the Ontario Ministry of Revenue Web site.
For more information
If you need help after reading this pamphlet, go to Child and Family Benefits page or call us at 1-800 -387-1193.
Basic benefit [FONT=宋体](第一部分)[/FONT]
$112.33 per month for each child under 18 years of age (if you live in Alberta, see the note below);
an additional $7.83 per month for your third and each additional child.
National Child Benefit Supplement (NCBS)[FONT=宋体](第二部分)[/FONT]
$174.00 per month for the first child; 174[FONT=宋体]元?每月?每个孩子[/FONT]
$154.00 per month for the second child; and
$146.50 per month for each additional child.
For a family with one child, the reduction is 12.2% of the amount of the adjusted family net income that is more than $23,855. [FONT=宋体](家庭净收入过[/FONT]23,855[FONT=宋体]的,[/FONT]NCBS[FONT=宋体]要少[/FONT]12.2%[FONT=宋体])[/FONT]
Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB)
[FONT=宋体]第三部分,要交税的,同时必须满足[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]岁以下,[/FONT]100[FONT=宋体]元每个孩子,不需要填报[/FONT]tax return
The UCCB is a taxable benefit paid monthly to help eligible families provide child care for their children under six years of age. The UCCB provides families with a $100 monthly payment (up to $1,200 annually) for each qualified child. You are not required to file a tax return to receive the UCCB.
Ontario Child Benefit (OCB)
Child Disability Benefit (CDB)