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回复: 一大类可怕的草药
of which 25 are self-regulating professions governed by 22 regulatory colleges under the Health Professions Act.
上面已經很清楚寫明的是行業自律機構,所有行業自律機構不由政府創立,但必須依據某法成立,完全自律性,跟政府並無關係,受政府監管而已.當然醫生,會計師,律師這些也有都一樣.但是中醫並不屬於醫生的自律組織的,而是自己的中醫自律組織.這個就象CGA跟CA一樣都合法,但是地位有所不同,執業范圍也有所不同,CGA不能說自己跟正式CA是一樣的.行業自律組織的權威性由此行業的服務,聲望和自律能力決定.The CTCMA is a statutory corporation created by an act of the British Columbia government. It is operated at arms-length from government and is financially independent. It is a non-profit organization. Its fund is generated from registration and accreditation activities. The Board consists of 9 members. Six are elected from among the CTCMA registrants; three are appointed by the government from the general public.
从这里的描述来看, 应该是政府创立的非营利机构, 虽然财政上不依赖政府预算, 但是运作上是有政府在参与管理.但和普通概念的政府部门不同, 它也没有使用 BC政府的logo.
of which 25 are self-regulating professions governed by 22 regulatory colleges under the Health Professions Act.
由版主最后编辑: 2013-01-06